Chapter 6 - Biana

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"Hurry! Up!" I yelled between gasps of breath.

"I'm running as fast as I can!" Fitz yelled behind me, also out of breath. I turned my head to glare at him while running.

"Well it's not fast enough!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes and caught up to me.

"Why are you so excited anyways? You hate family meetings. Especially if it's about dad or me." he asked. I smirked.

"It's not that I'm excited. It's -" I shut my mouth almost giving out the fact that I was working for the Black Swan.

"It's what?" Fitz asked, arching his eyebrows. We ran into the Palace and headed for the Meeting Room.

"Uh... I wanted to see how close you are with the Black Swan!" I lied. Fitz nodded, oblivious of everything. As usual. We got to the Meeting Room and quickly sat down in our seats.

"Glad to see you guys came on time." Dad (ahem, King Alden) said, giving us a curt nod. I nodded back and took the packet of papers a servant handed me. I quickly filed through it and two pages caught my eye.

"Dad? What are these for?" Fitz asked flipping through his.

"Our two spies died." Dad said seldomly. Fitz and I gasped. I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course. We chose sloppy spies. Even without my guidance, the others were able to track them down and kill them.

"What are we going to do now?" Fitz groaned.

"They also left this. Some elves found it." Dad said, holding a piece of cardboard out to us. It said:

                                    Don't underestimate us. Ж


I mentally smirked. That's my Songs. Fitz looked spooked as Dad kept his grim expression.

"They also violently stabbed the twins many times." Dad said gravely.

"Not to be weird or anything, but do you know why they agreed to work for us if twins are usually discriminated?" Fitz asked. Oh, I know the answer. Dad wrinkled his nose.

"They said something about wanting you and Keefe." he snorted. Fitz immediately turned green and I burst out laughing. "Biana... Princess like..." Alden warned me.

"Sorry." I said, mentally rolling my eyes. Princess like my a**.

"I would have rejected them." Fitz muttered.

"Why?" Alden asked, arching his eyebrows. "They would have helped us if you married Temper and Keefe married Screech." I glared at dad as Fitz flinched. He didn't like failing dad. On the other hand, I didn't care one bit.

"I.... like someone else." he said, looking down.

"May I ask who it is?" Alden asked, his voice deadly calm.

"I know who it is." I said. "But I'm not telling. I'm only going to say that Fitz getting with this girl can be very useful for us." I said quickly. Alden mused about this.

"I'll think about it." he said. That pissed me off.

"If you'll excuse me now." I said, getting up. "I have better things to do." I added, storming out of the room, not bothering to listen to dad who was calling after me. I ran up into my room and locked the door. I immediately called Sophie.

"Hey Bi! What's wrong?" she asked as soon as she got on. She had a nice ability of figuring out if people are upset or struggling.

"Family business." I said, making myself sound like I didn't want to dive further into it. Sophie nodded, understanding, and decided to change the subject.

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