Chapter 23 - Sophie ---> Wylie

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I got up silently and went over to the small backpack I was wearing before. I took out my Imparter and whispered into it, making sure the others couldn't hear me.

"Hail Fitz..." I whispered. The Imparter started jumping to life so I quickly left the room. Fitz looked so happy when he saw me.

"S-sophie! D-do you need something?" he asked, looking very hopeful.

"Hey... So... I'm coming over there okay?" I asked, ruffling with my hair. He blushed a bright scarlet color and nodded silently, waving his hand bye before quickly closing off. I felt a blush creep to my face so I quickly closed off my feelings again. I caged in everything and stored it all into the little metal box Mr. Forkle influenced me into making. Then I went back into the room.

"Well?" Biana asked nervously.

"I need to change." I muttered. Everyone looked at me strangely as I grabbed my pile of folded clothes from before and went to the bathroom to quickly change into it.

"You just need to kiss him and come back. Nothing else. We need to continue the game!" Wylie said. I nodded, grabbing my Imparter before leaving.

~1 minute later~

It didn't take me long to get to the Palace.

I mean... duh.

I walked in, the Guards seemingly edging farther and farther away from me. Keefe was standing around, staring at pictures and randomly moving things around.

"Hey Keefe." I said, making him jump.

"I-I WASN'T MOVING THINGS AROUND. TOTALLY. HEH." Keefe shrieked as he turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Oh hey Sophie! Do you need something?" he asked uncomfortably.

"You know where Fitz is?" I asked, looking at the mess he seemingly created. He pointed upward.

"Fitz all of a sudden went ran upstairs, his face red, and his hand over his mouth." he said. I nodded my thanks and went up the stairs. I knocked on Fitz door and it immediately swung open, making me jump.

"H-hey Sophie! Come on in!" he stuttered. I walked in and sat on his bed, disgusted by how luxurious it was. He sat down next to me. He looked extremely nervous. Not to mention the fact that his clothes were a mess. "So what's up?" he asked. I turned his face, making him face me. His eyes widened at my action but I didn't stop. I immediately pressed my lips against his. I felt my entire body jolt when I felt him press me down against his bed, kissing me back.

When he finally pulled away, I felt my little metal box start to open again. I looked away, feeling a small blush creep up to my face.

"W-what was that for?" he asked, his face completely bright red. Geez... He's embarrassed.

"N-nothing." I said, struggling to push him off of me. When he got off, I quickly jumped up. "I got to go!" I said, adjusting my clothes before starting to run to the door. I felt arms wrap around me.

"You're not going away." Fitz whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. I felt another blush creep against my face as I struggled against him. "Guard!" Fitz yelled as I tried to scream. His hand immediately clamped over my mouth. A Guard came rushing over, taking some time to take what was going on in.

"Yes Your Majesty?" the guard asked, bowing. His hand drifted to his sword, as if ready to use it to kill me. Fitz noticed this.

"Don't you even think that this has something to do with a sword." Fitz snarled. "Just lock the door and stand outside. Don't let her leave past the Castle doors if she gets out of this romo without my consent." Fitz ordered. I rolled my eyes behind both of their backs as I continued to struggle against Fitz's arms.

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