Father's Day (Fluffy Dadvid OWO)

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Inspired by zombieteeth

"FUCK!" Max yelled from inside the kitchen. Some campers giggled as they nailed decorations to the walls of the Mess Hall, hitting their fingers with the hammers every now and then. Dolph painted the words "Happy Father's Day!" on a bed-sheet while Harrison prepared his magic act for David. The campers had been planning a Father's Day celebration for the nature lover for weeks, since he was so much like a father to them. Even Max was in on the celebration, stuck with breakfast duty.

Nikki burst into the Mess Hall, a bundle of flowers in hand. Bees buzzed around her head angrily, but none dared sting her. "I got the flowers!" She yelled, holding up the bundle of flowers triumphantly.

"Cool, you can go help Max in the kitchen. I don't think he knows how to cook," Neil commented. Max stuck his head out of the window and glared at Neil.

"Not like cooking was my first fuckin' choice, that was all you!" The jaded boy yelled. "But yeah, I might need a little help. We used the only fire extinguisher last week." Nikki smiled and set the flowers down, then walked into the kitchen.

"Jeez Max! What did you do to the place!?" She yelled in the kitchen.

"Shut up and help me flip this pancake!" Max yelled. Neil chuckled as he placed Nikki's flowers into Space Kid's helmet, screaming when the bees came for him. The 'performance trio' sat in a circle planning the perfect show to put on for David.

"I was thinking 'Romeo and Juliet III: Into the Juliverse!'" Preston yelled. Nerris and Harrison smiled and nodded as Preston went off on a tangent about the "loose ends" his previous sequel left.

"What about a simple magic show?" Harrison suggested. Preston and Nerris stared at him.

"No fucking thanks!" Max yelled from the kitchen, shuddering. All of the campers laughed except for Max and Harrison, both scarred by the memory of last time Max "participated."

"How about we just give him the breakfast and leave it at that?" Neil added. The others nodded in agreement.

"FUCK!" Max yelled from the kitchen. 

"Max, I told you grease pops!" Neil yelled. Max and Nikki emerged from the kitchen with a delicious looking plate of pancakes and bacon, with eggs on the side. It looked like a feast fit for a king compared to the usual camp food. The campers stared in amazement.

"Where'd you learn to cook?" Preston asked. Max stared off into space for a moment, before shrugging in response. Space Kid slipped through the doors.

"Guys! David's coming!" He yelled. The campers all quickly hid behind anything they could. David pushed the door open, yawning. 

"Good... Morning, campers?" He trailed off. The Mess Hall was dark and seemingly empty. Suddenly, the lights flicked on and revealed the decorations in the room. The campers jumped from their hiding spots and yelled "Happy Father's Day, David!" David blinked the happy tears from his eyes. Max came forward and handed David a tray with a delicious looking breakfast and a card.

"Thank you, campers! It means a lot to me that you'd consider me a father figure!" David said through tears. He read the card and grinned.

"We're glad you like it, it was Max's idea." Neil commented. Max had a look of betrayal in his eyes. 

"I didn't! I wasn't- I-" Max stammered. David laughed and ruffled the stunned boy's hair.

"Alright, Max. If you say so." David spent the rest of breakfast eating and thanking the campers. For once, everyone got along happily. None of them wanted to admit it, but they would love for every day to be Father's Day.

I thought I should start it off with something fluffy (almost as fluffy as the pancakes Max made) as to not scare readers away with the angst that likely waits. I never see Dadvid on a whole-camp scale, it's usually just Max. But he is ALL OF THEIR DAD, COWARDS >:3

Camp Camp Oneshots - AKA Me trying to hold back from only doing Daniel stuffWhere stories live. Discover now