Home (Angst) (OC's)

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Summer was the most fun Max ever had. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end someday. The goodbye had been the hardest on the campers. Tears were shed, phone numbers were exchanged, and goodbyes were said. Some kids loaded onto the bus, while others were picked up by their parents. 

Max jolted back to the present when the bus hit a pothole. He looked at the empty seats around him and sighed. His house was the furthest away from Camp Campbell, and even after, the bus ride there was still quite a walk home. He looked out the window at the familiar scenery as the bus came to a screeching halt. The boy sighed and slung his bag over his shoulder. "Thanks, Quarter-Master. Maybe I'll see you next year."

A tall sign loomed above Max. It was faded and ugly, an appropriate representation of the town. "WELCOME TO CHAUVIN HILLS," it read. Max kicked the sign and started on his way home. The city streets were quiet and lonely, and they seemed to stretch on forever, making the boy feel small. After an hour of walking and a quick lunch break, Max arrived at the door to his house. It was practically identical to the other homes on the street, except for its unique tree swing he set up in the front yard. He fumbled with the key until it fit into the lock, and finally stepped inside. His bulldog greeted him with kisses and tail wags, making the boy smile.

"Hey buddy, I missed you too. I guess Mom and Dad are out drinking again?" Max sighed. What else did he expect? He tip-toed down the hallway and knocked gently on the door at the end. Silence. He stepped back in confusion and knocked again. Suddenly, he was attacked from behind. "FU-"

"Max! You're home!" A familiar voice yelled. Max opened his eyes and saw a small girl wearing her frizzy black hair in a ponytail and a princess nightgown. 

"Hey, Izzy. Are Mom and Dad home?" Max asked his little sister.

"No, they're with Uncle Charlie again." She answered sadly. Max pulled her into a quick hug.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Izzy shook her head. Max stood up and brushed himself off. "Let's see what we've got." The two children went to the kitchen and raided the pantry.

"I found graham crackers!" Izzy cheered. Max rolled his eyes and chuckled warmly. 

"Why don't we save these for dessert? I think we need to head to the store. Go get dressed so we can get there before dark." He gently took the graham crackers from her and set them in the pantry. The little girl scurried off to her room and appeared back in the kitchen in a princess shirt and a skirt shortly after. "Let's go." Max and Izzy walked down the street to the nearby grocery store. As they walked in, a woman with short, brown hair greeted them. 

"Max! Back from Summer camp already? I thought there was a week left of Summer!" The woman questioned. She stocked boxes onto a shelf as she spoke.

"Camp ends a week before Summer does. Something about getting used to the environment. See you later Mrs. Peri!" Max took Izzy by the hand and they continued their shopping trip. "Alright, we need some macaroni, broccoli and chicken nuggets. Some cereal would be nice too." He looked up from his shopping list and saw all of the items he listed in the cart. Izzy smiled at him innocently. "Dam- Dang, you're good at this." Izzy stared at him for a moment then disregarded the slip-up.

"Max?" A girl asked from behind them. Max turned to see Nerris and her mom. "I didn't expect to see you outside of camp!" 

"Wow! Max, is she a real elf?" Izzy asked. Nerris looked down sadly, anticipating Max's irritated answer.

"...Yes. Yes she is." Max answered nervously. Nerris perked up and grinned at Max. "Well, it's been nice, gotta go!" He pulled Izzy out of the isle hurriedly.

"Should they be out on their own?" Nerris' mom asked. Nerris shrugged.


Max stirred the pot of macaroni and cheese. "Dinner's ready!" He called. Izzy raced into the living room. Max scooped a generous helping of food onto her plate and she skipped over to the dining table. Suddenly, Max heard a key turning in a lock. His eyes went wide. "Izzy, you can eat in our room tonight. J- just this once." Izzy stared at him, confused. "Izzy, go eat in our room!" He yelled. She nodded and scurried off into her room with her plate. Max felt a pang of guilt for yelling at her. The door opened and his parents came stumbling in.

"W-welcome home, Mother and Father." He said. They hated being called casual names. His mother eyed the stove with disgust.

"Oh, you made chicken nuggets. How... Gross." She said dismissively. His father stumbled to their bedroom. Both of them reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"I- I worked hard on this, you shouldn't treat me like dirt. A-and you forgot to go shopping again. D...Did you even feed Izzy while I was gone?" The boy asked, suddenly courageous. His mother slapped him across the face.

"Did I ask for your opinion? Damn camp must have made you forget your place. Go to your room." She said. Max held back tears.

"I haven't gotten a plate yet..." He croaked.

"I said go to your room, now!" She yelled. Max flinched and back into his room. He preferred when she just ignored him. While interactions with her beyond "hello" were rare, they were always terrible. 

"M-Max? Are you okay?" Izzy asked with fear written all over her face. Max winced and sat down next to her.

"I'm fine." He said. He took her now empty plate. "I'll get you your dessert." He walked back into the kitchen, his mother nowhere to be found. He swiped the graham crackers from the pantry and allowed Izzy to snack on a few. Finally, he shut his eyes and fell asleep.

Camp Camp Oneshots - AKA Me trying to hold back from only doing Daniel stuffWhere stories live. Discover now