Shitty Poison (What if? Scenario)

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⚠ Just a warning, this story includes vomiting and it describes it a little so maybe don't read if you're squeamish.

"But Epik, you were supposed to not do Daniel stuff" shHHHHHHHHHHHH I have an addiction

"Alright campers, who's ready to reach ascension?" Daniel asked with the first genuine smile he'd had all day. The campers raised their cups and cheered in their creepy monotone voices. David watched in horror as the campers smiled and tipped the contents of the cups into their mouths, paralyzed with confusion and betrayal. Max chose Daniel over him. Everyone chose Daniel over him. That was when he noticed the boxes on the ground. Empty rat poison boxes. He looked back to the empty punch bowl and realization hit him like a truck. 

"David, he's a fucking cultist!"

"Oh, you mean the bat-shit crazy cult leader that you put in charge of the whole camp!"

"He's a religious cult leader that's gonna brainwash and kill every last one of us!"

"No!" He yelled, but it was too late. The campers' cups were all empty now, the damage was done. One by one, they quickly began to fall to their knees, clutching their stomachs. Daniel smiled at David smugly, retrieving a jagged knife from his pocket.

"Now, why don't we finish the job? You've been so cooperative, and I've had a lovely time, but I have to help some other camps reach ascension," Daniel cooed. Rage and regret boiled up inside David, and he punched Daniel square in the jaw. Daniel fell to the ground, shocked, before laughing. "Oh David, the damage is done. Maybe if you had listened to them, they'd be alive and well right now." David kicked him in the ribs mercilessly. Suddenly, he heard heaving from behind him. He turned to see the campers all vomiting on their hands and knees. However, instead of the dark, bloody mess he expected to see, it was a lavender color. 

"Dan...iel?" Max pleaded between heaves, his white hoodie stained purple. "What's... happening?" Daniel cursed under his breath.

"What kind of shitty poison is this?" He demanded, clutching the empty box. David smiled despite himself and put a foot on Daniel's chest, crushing his ribs slightly. He dug his phone out of his pocket and dialed 9-1-1.

"The police will arrive shortly," He said, his voice barely above a whisper. Daniel struggled under his foot so he applied more pressure. The kids seemed to be done getting the poison out of their system, and a few were even starting to come to. Within a few minutes, several squad cars pulled into the camp, confusing the campers. "Ered, please take care of the campers while I speak with the police." David lifted Daniel up, pinning Daniel's hands to his back with surprising strength.

"Wait, what? This is super uncool, David!" She yelled in protest. David ignored her and handed Daniel over to the police, answering a few questions as he did. The camp mobile pulled into the camp and came to a screeching halt. Gwen stepped out with a confused and concerned look on her face and met eyes with David. 

"As for the campers, the effects of that sauna might take around a week to totally wear off. That subliminal messaging's a real bitch. Keep a close eye on your campers, they might start to show some suicidal and homicidal tendencies without even realizing it," An officer explained. Daniel was shoved into a squad car and the police left the counselors with dazed and half-brainwashed campers.

"Alright campers, who's ready for movie night?" David asked.

"Why don't you guys get changed so we can burn the bleached clothes?" Gwen added. Most of the campers cheered, while the still-brainwashed ones just uncomfortably averted their eyes. The campers all parted ways to their tents, leaving David and Gwen on the activities field.

"A week, huh? It's gonna be a long one," Gwen remarked, shoving a couple of pills in her mouth. David nodded slowly, watching the children walk back to their tents. All of them except for Max. David looked around panicked before he felt a tug at his pant leg. He looked down to see Max, still suffering the effects of the sauna.

"Oh, there you are Max! What is it buddy?" David asked, bending down to Max's level.

"Daniel... You said we were ascending today. Did we do something bad?" The boy asked, shattering David's heart in more ways than he could count.

"Of course not, Max. Why don't you go put on your spare hoodie and we can all talk it out after movie night?" David replied, trying not to cry right then and there. "Oh, and I'm David. Daniel had to... Go away for a bit." Max gave him a confused look before shrugging it off and running to catch up with the others. Nikki and Neil had waited for him, both un-purified by that point. They each placed a hand on Max's back and walked him to their tent, making random conversation to keep him occupied. 

"I should have listened to him. What if the poison hadn't been the type you throw up?" David mumbled, turning to Gwen.

"There's nothing we can do to change the past. All we have to do is keep them from killing themselves for a week and this can all be behind us," Gwen reassured him. "For now, let's keep quiet about the lasting effects. The last thing we need is for them to panic about it."

Probably gonna make a part 2 to this y e e t. I'm sorry I know like a disappointing percentage of my stories is about Daniel but I just love cult camp so much ;-;

supportive Gwen, concerned friends Nikki and Neil, and innocent Max are my l i f e though

ok its late, im tired, this story is kinda shitty, im gonna post this now, good night

Camp Camp Oneshots - AKA Me trying to hold back from only doing Daniel stuffWhere stories live. Discover now