Chapter 11: Black-haired Beauty

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Thank you so much for all the support and amazing comments!! I can't believe that I've gotten this far! ANyway see you on the other side :)


(Arthur's POV)

Alfred and I had been talking all summer through text messages, phone calls, and video chats. I even sent him a gift in the mail for his birthday. A converting chart. To convert Standard system to Metric and vice versa. Somehow the git hadn't known and he was turning fifteen!

Fifth year is here. I'm excited. Now I'm officially allowed to have a boyfriend.  My mum allowed me to make it official, but I'm not sure if I want the whole school knowing just yet. I'm still a bit self-conscious about it all.


The first few days of classes were normal. Learning which classes we had at what times, getting settled into friend groups, and getting used to any new teachers. Also new first-year kids.

Alfred and I have a little less time to hang out nowadays. We have completely different electives this year. Alfred even opted out of one. So now we only have one break in the day to see each other, which is always disappointing <rEaliTy iS oFtEn disSApOinTiNg>.  Sometimes I do  wish we were in the same house. 

I didn't make it on the quidditch team this year,  but I don't mind. I was going to quit anyway. Not really my thing. Shelly and I have made up so she's no longer bitching about everything. Well, that is to say she stopped bitching about MOST things.

When Alfred and I do hang out, we spend most of our time helping each other with homework, cuddling and kissing. It's nice, but I don't see much of his obnoxious and boyish side any more. Some would say that's a good thing, but this is Alfred. I miss his dry jokes, how he'd go out of his way to make me laugh.

Maybe he's grown out of it? No, but I still see him being a class clown in Potions or DADA. I love him, but sometimes I feel like it's not him. Oh well.


(3rd Person)

Alfred hadn't been enjoying fifth year as he had all the others. In the past, school would just be fun. Now, he wasn't really up to trying hard in class, impressing others, or do anything, really. Everything in class revolved around "Getting good grades on the OWLS" He was just bored of it all. 

Matthias and Gilbert became a big part of his life. They had more classes than ever together, and it was awesome. At least once each week there was some prank put in place by these boys. Every once in a while they were accompanied by Arthur, but he usually wanted to stay out of it. Lukas always came along with Matthias, though he never did anything. He'd just read his book absentmindedly and didn't give a damn about what dumb shit those boys were doing. But none of it was truly fulfilling. 

But for Alfred, his favorite thing was Arthur. That was his favorite time of day, going to see his boyfriend. And his favorite part of that was kissing him. And his favorite part of that was him kissing back. It made him truly happy.

Maybe some of the reason he was bored all the time was because his relationship with Arthur was so normal now. There was no goal to work towards. He had already achieved it. The normality of it all bored him. He needed something exciting.

But, there was something else that had caught his eye.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rewind to the second week of school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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