~3: Normality~

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The morning after Peter's long troubling day came faster than he'd liked. The sun had peeked through a small opening in the curtains of Peter's window and when the light finally met with his closed eyes, all he could do was groan. He had wished for the sun to go to hell, because his beauty sleep was far too important. Yet the sound of his alarm had set off, irritating him even more. He thought by adding in a few minutes with repeating the assurancing words "five more minutes", would be fine. But five minutes turned to ten, and ten to thirty, until it was forty-five minutes later, leaving him with only fifteen minutes to get ready before he was late once again and on the first day back too.

May had woken up to the strange sound of silence. As she entered the living room she thought Peter must've already left. When she turned on the faucet to wash her hands as a wake up call, a thought brewed into her mind. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to check, right? She left in a haste to check on her nephew's presence. Opening the door to his room, her eyes met with his still sleeping form and the clock that showed he had such little time till school would begin. "Peter, honey, get up. You only have fifteen minutes and you know you can't be late again," May spoke in a soft, yet stern tone. "Yeah, okay," he mumbled in reply. Then as his the sleep lifted off his eyes, he pondered what she said carefully.

"Shit! School!" With that crude exclamation, May retorted, "Watch the language." The door had shut and she left him to get ready in an godly speed.

Getting ready was hard, but getting to school was harder. He had speedwalked (more like speed-ran) to get to school since in his time of ignorance and selfishness of sleep caused him to miss the bus. Arriving there, he took a quick look before heading inside. The exterior of the school hadn't changed. The same colors. The same large tower in the front middle that served no purpose at all. Even the same field which was slightly smaller than other schools with less equipments, because hey, what can you do about it. In a school full of nerds, jocks were the minority. A final glance was all it took for him to finally be satisfied until he headed in to find the interior to be completely different.

The inside of the building had changed. He couldn't tell what made it stand out. Probably the new lockers, or the repainted walls. Maybe it was the leftover vines and plants that hung around different columns of the school, but they didn't look wild. In fact, it was quite pleasing to they eye, and blendid in nicely to the simpleness of the school. It could've also been the fact that there had been more students than last time. Or, what stood out the most to him, on the wall of murals full of inspiring people, scientists to be in fact, was a space next to Howard Stark with Tony Stark on it. His painting was slightly bigger than the rest with his arc reactor present too. It seemed to be nice touch and was truly inspiring as he did deserve a spot there too. Looking around just as he did outside his eyes came to a halt when he noticed the familiar figure of his bestfriend moving towards him.

Greeting each other in their geeky fashion, they went ahead to get their new schedules and catch up, despite the fact that they've talked as much already virtually. Scanning his schedule he looks to see not much has changed. Same teachers, same classes, some newly added, and same locker, just as he'd hoped.

During the day a lot of things surprised him. Apparently there were a lot of survivors of the decimation that aged up, including four valuable members of the Decathlon team: Sally Avril, Abe Brown, Cindy Moon, and Charles Murphy. The "new" students though seemed to fill in the void of those newly graduated, or will be. It saddened Peter to know he wouldn't get to finish school with some of the people he knew and befriended. Although many he was close to still remained, as they to were wiped out too. Knowing that Ned, Michelle, Betty, and even Jason would still be spending his remaining school years with him made him feel happy. Flash Thompson unpleasantly were among the many to be dissolved, but even his reign of insults during lunch couldn't get Peter down since it finalized the last piece to the sense of normality he had been searching for.

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