~26: Best Laid Plans~

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Neon signs from rundown buildings glowed brightest out of all the things still awake in the fine city of Queens. Yet, the streets were bereft of any of its occupants. It was as if the brightness acted as a shield from all the things hidden in the dark. Well, all except for one.

A lone costumed figure zoomed through the city. Swinging web after web with only one destination in mind. And he was almost there. He could practically reach out and touch the comfort of the bedroom balcony. Peter could imagine his unveiling as he rehearsed all the things he would say. That only added to his anxiousness, but he was ready. With one more swing, he knew he was almost there. Michelle's house would only be a few streets down. But his readiness was put to halt when Karen rang an alarm.

"Scorpion has been sighted in J. Jonah Jameson's house," she warned. And just when he was so close. Peter had to decide between going to the girl of his dreams or stop the criminal who's already brought so much trouble to him. He wanted to be selfish for once, to avoid all duty and choose what his heart desired, but he knew if he did that, he would be going against every speck of his morality. So Peter chose to do what was right, turning around to where the distress called.

Dread increased in Spider-Man as he drew nearer to Jameson's neighborhood. That man had not been a fan of him since his hero alter's upbringing, and would always write editorials against him. Jameson was what made Peter question his pursuit into the news world. But unlike Jameson, Peter was a good person. No matter who was in need of help, Peter felt obligated to answer their call—rather than write about them. And right now the one who needed saving was someone who didn't deserve it, but was going to be saved anyways.

Peter was also unhappy because as always, his plans got interrupted. At this point he shouldn't be surprised. Best-laid plans always seemed to turn awry, especially in Peter's life. He continued to zip through until he finally made it to the house.

Then, when he arrived at the door, a painstaking scream from a low octave voice pierced through the silent night. "HEEELLLP, PLEASE!" He sounded petrified and Peter could hear things breaking; and that's when he knew he had to step in. The door was heavy and locked, Peter didn't have the time to waste his energy on it, so he looked for a different way in. That's when he noticed the shattered glass on the ground from the side of the large house.

"One of these days, I'm gonna have my head examined for doing this," Peter then crawled up the wall and carefully made it through the broken window. "Hello," he called out when the noise stopped. A few seconds later, another scream came from one of the rooms. Peter dashed for the area to find Jameson being held up by Scorpion as his tail's ready to strike. "Don't you ever give up," Peter yelled out to draw Gargan's attention. "You," Scorpion said spitefully, dropping Jonah roughly on the ground. "Me," Spider-Man mocked. Scorpion's tail shot at him.

Fortunately for Peter, the vibranium in the suit was holding up well. Gargan cursed realizing his tail trick wasn't going to work this time. He moved away from Jonah completely, heading towards the hero. "Here I thought I'd kill James and be done with it, but I guess he can wait a bit," he said as he used his tail to grab a chair and throw Peter off. But the superhuman was quick to avoid his attempt. Peter flipped from his current spot onto Jameson's bed. "What are you doing!" Jameson protested at Peter as he kept trying to fight off Gargan's mechanical tail. "You over-rated clown! You bumbling incompetent! He's making you look like a bum!" The reporter continued to hassle the (sort-of) Avenger. He was really starting to piss Peter off; along with every event that's occurred so far. "Think you can do better, buttercup? I'll lend you my costume," the spandex wearing male retorted.

Now near Jameson, Peter was about to counterattack, when all of a sudden something started spewing from the tail. Peter swiftly pushed him and Jonah out of the way, but there was a giant hole burned onto the wall where the green goo hit. That's when panic arose in Peter. "You're not the only one with a costume change," Gargan revealed seeing his shock. Jameson kept complaining about the destruction of his home, and though it was reasonable, he was distracting Peter. Almost.

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