~11: What Could Go Wrong~

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Eyes drifting low so effortlessly as the brittle crimson leaves sway forward and back nonstop, until red met grey. Peter watched Michelle's uninterested body shift every sixty seconds. Though she would usually be occupied with the printed words protected by a cover, today was stultifying that even the adventures in her mind wouldn't put any joy in her. Leaving her to carefully watch through a window; the analogous color scheme of autumn sprinkle in some white as frost starts to appears on the dried blades of grass.

Two weeks have passed since her encounter with a certain red spider who spent quality time with her that Halloween night. And fall slowly advanced to winter as November was nearing it's end. Although she hasn't seen the super-busy superhero, her friends happily entertained her. Even her duties as Decathlon captain were distracting. Now, it was the last day before thanksgiving break and chaos ran through the school as teenagers all over were eager to head out for only a seven day break. Michelle found the concept to be somewhat amusing.

As lunch time came around, the cafeteria was more bustling than the early morning traffic. Food flying, people chatting, and the lunch line long with it's usual crowd. Michelle could only hope for the day to end faster. She waited for a clear path rather than shove people along. As a walkway had finally formed, she swiftly moved to sit where the rest of the decathlon members sat for today.

She sat so stealthily, no one had noticed her arrival. It wasn't until Zack greeted her cheerfully that the others came to notice too. Everyone gave a welcoming hello, except for Peter who awkwardly stumbled on those words while his cheeks tinged a bit of pink. Michelle took note of that, but didn't question him on it as she knew she'd have been blushing too. From her peripheral vision apart from her book, she checked to see how many members of the team had actually arrived for the lunch meeting. She counted everyone had managed to be there, well except for one.

Applauds and cheers had suddenly erupted from the lunchroom when a familiar Guatemalan boy came through the cafeteria doors. Flash Thompson had took in the appraisal with much pride and ego, playfully bowing and thanking as if he were winning an award. After a bit more of soaking in his glory, he scouted the room for his table. He advanced to the team with conceit in his steps. "What up, nerds," was his way of acknowledging them.

"Are they clapping for you because of your stupidity or did you finally pass at least one of Ms. Crawl's math test," Michelle asked sarcastically causing a few laughs from the team. "Ha ha, hilarious. But no. It's because with my parents away, I'm throwing a party tonight. And all of you weirdos are invited. Even you Penis. I'm feeling generous." "Yeah real humble," Ned quipped. Peter rolled his eyes with him. "So y'all coming or what," Flash asked, finally sitting himself down on the bench. There was a chorus of "yes" and "sure", but the golden trio remained unspoken. Peter and Ned were pondering on it and Michelle would only wait for their vote to give out hers. Everyone in the table pressured them saying "it'll be fun" and Peter was still hesitant. It wasn't until Ned started to say that "maybe it will be fun", that Peter gave in and said, "Oh hell, why not." The others were thrilled, then every single one looked to Michelle. Peter's eyes met with hers and he mouthed a plead wanting her to enjoy this with them. She couldn't help but be appealed to his puppy like pout that she wasn't even aware she responded in agreement. Another cheer burst through. Peter was glad she accepted knowing full well she didn't fancy the idea of socializing same as him, but still allowed herself to try. Meanwhile Flash was glad she'd join because he knew she'd have influence over the other anti-socials at this school. And he needed all the company to get the street cred he'd want. He was aiming for this to be the party to end all parties. Even wanting to top off Liz's Homecoming party from the years before.

Setting aside all the party talk and chaos, Michelle gathered the teams focus back to the agenda she had planned out. They were working harder this year to win championships that way they'd make it to nationals. This year she made it known she was set on them at least making it to finals. After all she wanted the best for her team and a team that did their best. The members had no say against it, also wanting to fulfill that goal. As the meeting had been adjourned, the group of teens dispersed, finishing off the rest of the school day.

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