~22: Fidus Achates~

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Another long day at school had passed. Peter entered his room, face plopping immediately onto his bed. But even if his flushed cheek felt the cool of his pillow, he still felt as if he were falling. Falling and falling into an endless sea of confusion.

Questions painted, scribbled, engulfed his mind; and there were no reasonable answers being formulated. He was going to drive himself completely Yellow Wallpaper if he kept on asking. Though he couldn't help it. He was just trying to understand what exactly he was going to do, what was going to happen.

It had been five days since that night. Since he allowed himself to finally feel free. Feel happy. With no responsibilities, or sadness, or pain tying him down. There was no worrying or wondering about the past, the present, the future...anything. Because in that night, there was just that moment. The moment he shared with Michelle. It wasn't like their other rendezvous' where they would simply share their day, or revealed new things. They both were very vulnerable that night, but they had the comfort of each other. He wasn't alone. She didn't feel alone. And neither one had to hide back under their veneer of composure.

Then, there was a kiss. A kiss that ignited sparks far greater than the fireworks that would light the sky on July. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but there was passion. There was warmth. There was safety. And safe to say, for Peter, there was love.

That's right, love. A lot of things were indefinite for him, but after wracking his brain trying to figure it out; he realized what he felt for the reclusive girl. With every passing moment, shared experiences, and every little detail he comes to know about her. From the way her eyes twinkled in amusement at the stories she reads to her unbounded wonder of the world's mysteries. The cute sound of her laughter would be forever etched into his mind. Along with her unmatched beauty beyond physical appearances. He loved her compassion for other people, no matter how much she tried to deny it. And her impeccable leadership. Her bravery and honesty were all exquisite, but her dark times—the unsettling feelings she'd display—were even more so. He loves it all; everything about her. Peter loves her.

But the questions that were burning his mind were all of the same thing: does she feel the same?

All this time he was learning about her, uncovering the mystery that was Michelle Jones; he was under his own mysterious semblance. He was disguising himself as the well loved hero. The face of the future. Spider-Man was what people envied to be. Full of courage and integrity. He could course through anything that came his way. He was someone Peter could only dream to actually be. Maybe that's why Michelle kissed him. Because she loved the hero.

But if he revealed himself to her, what would happen? Would she accept the fact that the amazing Spider-Man was actually just boring, plain, nerdy Peter Parker. Peter Parker who had barely any family. Who had more brain power than friends. The Peter Parker that wasn't even worth a nickel talking to. Who was the reason for his uncle's death. Who was left by almost everyone he ever loved. Would she love who he was underneath the mask? Or does she even love him to begin with? Did she only kiss him because of the heat of the moment?

Even with the best outcomes, there were still more things he wondered. If everything turned out well, would he be able to protect her? Protect her from the danger that followed with being a superhero insider. She was one of his weaknesses, and if others discovered that, he wouldn't know what to do. He was never able to protect the ones from before: his parents, his uncle, Liz, even Tony. Now, if anything were to happen to Michelle because of him, he wouldn't be sure he could go on.

A frustrated sigh fell from his lips, and he turned himself to look up at the ceiling. He needed air, he needed time to think. Actually, no, he needed guidance; but there was no one at the moment. Maybe just being in the outside world could provide some insight. So he switched into his suit, and swung out from the window.

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