~10: More To Know~

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Peter had been tossing and turning all night long. Usually the weekend would be his time to relax, but he didn't have it in him with a curly haired girl still invading his every thought.

Michelle's words from their day off of school had somewhat hurt him. It spoke to him like a moment of realization and he made the conclusion that Michelle hadn't liked him back the way that he did her. And that hurt him emotionally, but he reasoned it to be okay because he looked to the brighter side of the situation, knowing he'd at least have her as a friend. But that wasn't the real reason he had been so contemplative. He was struggling to make the decision of whether to head on over to her house once again as Spider-Man or stay away for her own protection.

On one hand he'd get to know more about her without always fumbling on his words. There was definitely more to know about her. Yet on the other, some villain could be watching him and put her in harms way as a means of blackmail. Maybe the latter was a bit of a stretch, but he believed anything may be possible.

Now it was 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night and he had laid inert on his bed throughout the whole day trying to make up his mind. He hesitated but made a final decision to not see her for her own benefit, yet backfired when images of her ran through his mind one last time. He saw her teasing face and little smiles, even her giggle from the night on her balcony. "The first of many, I hope," her words were crystal clear as they ran alongside his thoughts.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I just go and say hi. Probably even thank her since it was her idea that helped me defeat Stane. With that last thought, Peter hurried as fast as he could into his suit and out his window. Swinging in the direction of a medium sized house with an elegant bedroom balcony.

Having made it there in fifteen minutes, through the lenses of his suit he saw the said girl already leaning on the painted metal railing. When he landed on the roof, he dropped down to the balcony floor loud enough to grab her attention.

"And so the prodigal hero returns," she spoke with astounding sarcasm. He bowed in a joking manner. Moving forward he stops then sits himself a spot on the railing right next to where she leant. "How have you been," he asked.

"Really. You haven't come to see me in three-ish weeks and the best you could do is 'how've you been'?" Her harsh stare made him mute and he didn't know what to answer with. "Anyways, I've been okay. Although things have been weird lately," Michelle, noticing his discomfort, quickly moved on.

"Why," the red suited hero asked. "Well you remember how I told you about one of my friend's best friend who was a little suspicious?" He nodded as an indication for her to continue. "Things have been awkward between us lately," she said looking down to the ground. "Do you not like him or something," the question that he had been burning to uncover blurted from his lips unknowingly. "No it's not that, it's just I don't want to be a rebound or something," Michelle answered. He tilted his head in confusion and seeing his action Michelle decided to tell him. "See the guy's name is Peter Parker, the literal epitome of a nerd. Before Thanos wiped out half the entire population, the loser use to really like this girl named Liz. She moved a little after the homecoming dance sophomore year, I don't really know the reason why, nor do I care, but she did. And after that, he's always had this depressed expression on his face. Now, recently he's given off signals that he likes me, I think, and I just don't know whether he actually does."

"And what if he does," Peter decided to ask. She shrugged, now her turn to be rendered silent.

"Anyways, what about you web-head," Michelle questioned, changing the topic.

He scoffed slightly at the insult but put it past him, "Eh, nothing much y'know. Swinging around, cleaning the city, kissing babies, all the while single-handedly savin' the city from all 'em bad guys runnin' amok." He was doing his best impression of a Brooklyn accent making her quirk her brow in amusement.

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