Chapter 20

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I was sipping my drink when August began to speak. "How about we try tonight." Here I got chocking again. "Tonight?" I said still chocking a little. "Yes baby tonight. This is our honey moon right?" August said looking at me and smiling. I nodded my head and August crossed to my table and held out his hand and I took it. "I'm so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you." August said pecking my lips. We took the elevator down the Eiffile and caught a cab.

Once we made it to the hotel August carried me up the stairs and unlocked. He kicked the door closed and locked it once we got in. He laid me on the bed and kissed my neck. "Baby I'm gonna go take a bath and I'll let you after I'm done." He kissed my neck one last time and went into the bathroom. I took my lingerie out of the suitcase and balled it in my hands so he wouldn't know what I would have on.

"I'm done baby." He kissed my neck and walked past me. I walked into the bathroom and took a hot steamy bath and when I got out and oiled up. I put on my outfit (in the picture) and walked out of the bathroom. I went and sat on August lap, while he was watching the football game. "Dang ma." He said kissing my shoulder. I pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him. I traced his tattoos with kisses as he ran his hands through my hair. I climbed back up and kissed his lips and he squeeze my butt. He flipped me over and unhooked my outfit and pulled it down. He slid against my body and kissed around my breast and went down. He put his head in my area which made me pinch my legs together. He put my legs over his shoulders. I moaned loudly and jerked my body uncontrolably. He slid off his boxers. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. He slowly slid in and Ioudly moaned. He flipped me on top of him and he thrusted me up and down.

***1 Hour***

"Te, I'm 'bout to cum." August moaned and I yelped. I could fell August cum inside me and then I began to flow like a river. August grabbed my hair and kissed me. "Love you August." "I love you too  Serenity." I got off top of him and laid beside him and put my head on his chest.

***2 weeks at home***

I had just waken up and I guess August was at work because he wasn't anywhere to be found in the house. I ran to the bathroom and puked into the toliet. When I got up my lower back was cramping, breast sore, and I missed my period. I went to my phone and dailed Adora number.

ADORA: Hey girl! Did you enjoy you honey moon? Y'all didn't have to much fun did y-, (gco)

ME: Dora I think I'm pregnant.


ME: Dora!


ADORA: I'll go pick up the pregancy test and I'll be right over. Don't cook anything I'll buy you some food.

I hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom and puked. "Damn my back hurts." I said outloud to myself. I was feeling fatigue so I went downstairs and turned on the TV and fell asleep on the couch. About 30 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

 I looked throught the peep hole to see it was Adora. "Hey Dora!" I said with my arms flying around her. "Hey hun." She said coming in. We sat on the couch and talked for a while. Then she took 2 pregnancy tests out of her bag and she gave me the McDonalds bag that I devored in 2 minutes. "Now take this one and wait 3 minutes and then I'll give you the other one to confirm the you are or you're not." She said handing me one box. I got up and went to the restroom. I waited and waited and waited until 3 minutes was finally up. I deicided not to look at it until I took the other one. I waited 3 minutes again which felt like forever. I finally looked at both of the test and they read POSITIVE!!!! I was pregnant! "DORA!!" I said running from the bathroom screaming. "I'm PREGNANT!!" She hugged me and laughed. I began to cry tears of joy. I'm pregnant.

"I'll take you to the studio to tell August if you want." I nodded and went and got dressed.


I finished dressing and we headed to the studio. "I'll be in the car." Dora said. I went into the studio and began to open August door to his room. "August bab-" I opened the door to see him and India sitting in the chair holding hands. "August what's going on?" I said closing the door behind me. "Baby just go back home, It's all good." August said standing up and holding my hands. "August come on, you haven't said a word to me about this since our honey moon. Marriage is about communication." I said looking into his eyes as if it were his soul. "August just tell her that I'm pregnant with your baby!" India said standing up. Tears formed in my eyes. "No, no, tell me it's not true." I said fighting the tears and August nodded. I yanked my hands away from his and we just stood here face to face. "August tell me it's not true, when? Just tell me when!" I said with my voice escolating every time I spoke. "The night you left when I cheated on you, we did it too. But bay I don't know if it's mine, I don't know if the condom broke I-," "You didn't know shit! And you also didn't know we had a child on the way." I said softly but angry. I let the one test fall out of my hand onto his desk. i swiftly walked out of the studio.

How hard I fought for this relationship and this marriage and this is the shit I get in return. I'm leaving and I'm not sure if I'm coming back.


This is it the last chapter of this book *(Tear)

Tell be how you all like it!!!! Sequel coming up October 25! So stay tuned. Sequel name will be I Can't Make You Love Me or Treat Me Like Somebody. If I change it I will let everyone know!!

Feedback please!!!


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