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sorry, I know its been a while, life's just been shitty lately so hopes this chapter will earn me some forgiveness.

~Millie's POV.~

Finn is really positive about things which is amazing and really inspirational. I could learn from him in some ways. We spent a lot of time in the park and I learnt much about him. And he is awesome with kids, especially Ian, my son doesn't just like someone and he even announced it so I guess it's serious. Now I also have an excuse to have Finn around more, yeah, yeah, its wrong to use my son's issues to score a date but I'm lonely and I feel old. Already. I feel like Lea and I have bonded as well, she did say I don't seem like a thief, bitch or a prostitute. I was confused at first but then Finn said it's her way if complimenting people. She really has a different kind of energy to her but it adds on to her cuteness. We got ice cream on our way home and decided to watch movies at my place. Finn and I were stuck on watching cartoons but it was fun. Currently we were all on the couch under a fuzzy blanket eating leftover popcorn. Finn accidentally touched my thigh then freaked out so I got to hold his hand. He turned red so Lea and I laughed at him while Ian was focusing in the movie whilst shushing. I got up and went to the kitchen, I widened my eyes at the time, 11pm. What the duck?

'It's eleven pm.'
Finn: What? We should probably go then.
'No, I mean you don't have to, it's late and I can cook if you're hungry or whatever.'
Finn: Thanks but  I don't wanna you know overstep or something.
'That makes no sense Finn.'
Lea: Yeah dad, that's dumb.

I nodded agreeing with her and he just shrugged giving in.

'Cool, anyone hungry?'
Ian: No.
Lea: Nu-uh.
Finn: I think the popcorn filled us up.
Ian: Can we go, I'm tired and I wanna show Lea my action figures before I sleep.
'Please don't honey, I'll be up in a sec.'

They ran upstairs and I just walked back to the couch sighing softly. Finn sat up and pulled me down next to him. He pulled me into his chest and I sat between his legs as he held me. I snuggled further into him.

Finn: What's wrong?
'I don't know what to do, Ian is really weird and I'm worried.'
Finn: It's okay, I was socially awkward when I was younger and I can remember a couple mouth breathers who use to call me weird.

I sighed again then looked up to face him, he smiled down at me so I just let out a sad chuckle.

'I'm really glad you moved to LA, and I'm lucky to have met you in a store with about one hundred or more other people in it.'
Finn: Yeah, you're very lucky, and I'm glad I moved here to.
'You are the one person my son trusts and genuinely likes and he knows you for a day.'
Finn: Yeah, about that, why is it so surprising?
'It's unusual, it took a while for him to warm up to Joe, Caleb and even Charlie who is great with kids.'
Finn: Guess I'm lucky then.
'Or you have superpowers.'

It was silent besides the television playing softly in the background. Finn was still holding me into his chest so I leant back getting more comfortable.

'Do you want coffee?'
Finn: Sure.

We both went to the kitchen I put in the coffee machine. I turned around to stare right into Finns chest. I looked up and his eyes met with mine. IH fuck rules. I jumped on him and he caught me. We began kissing roughly. I ran my hands through his hair as he placed me on the counter. I helped him remove his shirt and we continued making out until I heard a thud upstairs. We broke apart and I started laugh crying. I'm so stupid, god, I barely know Finn and I was ready to jump into bed with him. Yeah it's been seven years and now the cute guy I met in the mall probably thinks I'm a slut. I began full out crying.

Finn: Millie are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Please, talk to me.
'It's not you, I'm just. Nothing, I'll explain later, we have to go.'
Finn: Cool, so what was that thud?
'Ian, he fell again, it happens a lit, he broke his nose twice already.'

We went upstairs and into Ian's room. Lea was helping him stop the blood from running.

Lea: Are you guys okay? Your hair is really messy and daddy's shirt is on wrong.

I just stood there not knowing how to respond to that. I hit Finns shoulder hoping for a reaction but he just smiled like a guilty child.

Ian: I'm still in pain over here.

I took Ian's hand and lead him to my room but signalled Finn to talk to Lea. I sighed when I was alone with Ian, glad to escape that encounter. I cleaned Ian up then put on his pajamas as well.

Ian: Mom what's going on with you and Finn?
'Nothing honey, nothing is going on with us.'

Lies. I'm a horrible person.

Ian: Okay, because I like him and I want him to be here more so don't do anything weird to scare him away.
'Yeah, I know you like him, and I won't scare him okay.'
Ian: Okay, thank you mommy.

I never want to go through that ever again.

~Finn's POV.~

Millie and Ian left so I looked at Lea. She had her scary face on which meant I was about to be interrogated or she had a few demands to make. I moved over to the bed and sat down with my hands in my lap looking down.

Lea: So what's going on with you and Millie?
Lea: So you guys weren't just kissing downstairs?
Lea: Dad I know you're lying. His do feel, do you wanna talk about it?
'No, I don't know how I feel, I just don't want it to be weird when we're alone.'

She sighed and shook her head.

Lea: If she doesn't wanna talk about it, which I guarantee she won't just drop it, it's simple, she'll be comfortable and if she wants to talk later she will.

How does my five year old daughter know more than me? Am I that old?

Lea: Okay?
Lea: Good daddy.
'I'm not a dog.'
Lea: Wouldn't know, you were just eating Millie's face.
'Are you tease me about it the entire time?'
Lea' Did you really just ask that? Of course I am.

We laughed then Millie and Ian came in..

Millie: Hey
Lea: How's your nose?
Ian: Bad.
Millie: Lea are you okay with sleeping in a pair of Ian's shorts?
Lea: That's gross but yes.
Millie: Ian can you show her where it is, and the bathroom is next to the cupboard.
Lea: Okay.

She waited for me to follow her out of the door. When we got back downstairs there was still silence between us. I cleared my throat.

'S-so, uhm, about what happened-'
Millie: We don't have to talk about it, this doesn't have to be weird.
'C-cool, yeah, cool.'
Millie: Cool.

Sorry once again, just a reminder to vote && comment if u feel like it, still luv ya, thnxx hunnies💞💞💋💋😘

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