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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the MCU or any of the spiderman characters, no matter how hard I wish I did.


On Monday, Michelle got a text from Peter. It read "You're Pretty." MJ wondered why he texted her before school just to call her pretty.

On Tuesday, she found a note on her first period desk signed by Peter. "You're stunning," he wrote. What is Peter up to? Michelle was intrigued by this strange behavior her loser started.

On Wednesday, when Michelle opened her book to read, something slipped out. It was an autographed photo of Peter. She flipped to the back and he wrote "You're adorably cute." MJ laughed at that.

On Thursday, MJ found a Post-It on her HOMEWORK. How he pulled that off she didn't know. The Post-It read "You're the one."

MJ couldn't deny that she was very flattered at this point. She couldn't wait for tommorow.

On Friday, MJ was super excited. But alas, things didn't go as she expected.
No texts.
No notes on desks.
Nothing in her book.
She checked all of her homework as soon as the last bell rang. Nothing.

Michelle let out a sigh. She really thought something would happen. MJ trudged off to her locker. As soon as she opened it, she let out a giant gasp.

Everyone turned to look at her, for MJ was usually not one to show much emotion.

Michelle stood there in shock. Her locker had been decorated with hearts and a note saying "I love you" signed by Peter. A bouquet of flowers sat in the center.

Normally, Michelle would not be one for sappy stuff, but she couldn't help but smile. By now, everyone was trying to see what made MJ actually show more emotion than she's ever shown in their highschool years.

Peter walked up to her.
"Yes!" Michelle interrupted.
"I didn't even ask the question!" Peter exclaimed.
"I don't care, the answer's yes."

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