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Quick note: this is going to take place after FFH. I won't really include any SPOILERS, but it's okay if you don't want to read it until you've watched the movie. If you have seen FFH, pretend that the first end credit scene never happened.

On with the story!

"Is she okay?"
"What happened to her?"
"Do you think-"

Rumors spread across the school like wildfire. It was barley second period and everyone seemed to notice something different about Michelle. She seemed a bit more open, happier. No one could figure out what triggered this formation to Michelle. All they knew was after the school trip(all over Europe? Figure that out!) She came back as a new person. It was unsettling.

Crazy as it may sound, the rumors of Michelle's changes were true. Everyone was trying to guess what happened to her. She was a new person.

During her first period, people said she murdered someone which she was very happy about.

During her second period, people thought she got a bunch of new books.

During her third period, people guessed she was transferring to a new schedule.

During her fourth period, she was tired of all the rumors. Michelle couldn't wait for 5th period, her lunch.

Finally, the bell rang signaling lunch time.

MJ rushed to to her locker and shoved her books in (besides Emma by Jane Austin which was the current book she was reading.) Her door was slammed shut and she raced to the cafeteria.

By now, a huge crowd had gathered to see what was going on. Much was acting really strange. They circled around her, and she looked around the crowd trying to find somebody.

"Can I get through?!" A voice asked/yelled.

People parted to make a path. And there, who no one was expecting, was Peter Parker.

Michelle ran to him. Peter wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. MJ smiled from ear to ear.

Mystery solved.

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