"You're Beautiful just the way you are"

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Peter always thought MJ was a beautiful girl. Once they started dating, he could appreciate that beauty more.

But when Michelle Jones came in wearing makeup (not caked on obviously) Peter knew something was up. She had been hiding her face all day, and rushed home soon after school with basically no social interaction that day.

Peter tried to think of the best possible answer. Maybe she was going to a job interview, and was trying to look nice.

But when MJ came in for a second day with makeup, Peter was really trying to panic. Everytime he tried to talk to her though, she would manage to get away. And she didn't come to lunch. Again. Third day in a row. (Quick A/n: yes MJ has been absent from lunch one day before she started wearing makeup. Not a typo)

On the third day of MJ wearing makeup, Ned told Peter he had to do something.

"Come on man, she's you're girlfriend. Track her down at lunch."

"How Ned? How am I to find her?"

"I've hear rumors that there's been crying in the girls bathroom the last couple of days."

"How do hear this kind of stuff?"

"I'm a likeable guy, people just tell me things."

"Really? That's cool. So at lun-"

The bell rings signaling that all students had 20 minutes to get to their first period. Peter and Ned were swept up into the wave of students.

-------------Time Skip uwu----------------

My ears perk up as the 5th period bell rings. Lunch time.

I run to my locker and shove my books in. Time for operation get-MJ-back-to-normal to start. (It was hard to come up with a good name okay? This was the best Ned and I could do).

I try to not look like a creep while standing outside of the girl's bathroom. Soon enough, the halls were empty and you could hear soft crying. I look around, checking to make sure no one was watching, and then entered the bathroom.

The door squeaks open, and the crying stops for a moment.

"MJ?" I gently say.

No response. I spot a a figure in a corner, hidden from the outside.

"MJ" I call again.

"Go away Peter," she groans.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."


"Please, MJ," giving her my best puppy dog eyes.


Basically the other day one of the more popular girls came up to me and said that I was ugly, and never-never amount to anything."

She's crying again.

"Sh-s-sh she said that no one c-could ever love some one like m-m-me. That I was pretty enough. I don't deserve to date you, Peter."

She tries to run out, her hand covering her face before I stopped her.

"MJ," I speak softly, removing her hands of her face and wiping her tears away. "You are beautiful just the way you are."

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