Do it again

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This is going to be a short little Oneshot. Also, I may be posting a picture of me and my friends dressed up as the ultimate trio: MJ, Ned, and Spiderman. Enjoy!

Peter walked into school and immediately sought out his new girlfriend, MJ. Spotting her almost right away, he let out a sigh.

She's so pretty, he thought. Such nice curly hair and beautiful deep brown eyes. She's also super smart. I mean, captain of the decathlon team and the highest grade student in Junior year. She's also super cute. She has-

"Dude, you're staring," Ned said next to him.

Peter jumped. "NED! You scared tge living daylights out of me!" He exclaimed.

Ned smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, but I'm serious. You're staring like a weirdo at MJ."

Peter began to defend himself but just then the bell rang. They spilt up, both needing to get to class on time.

-----------------Time Skippity--------------

As soon as the bell rang dismissing them to lunch, Peter ran to his locker. After shoving everything into his locker, he made his way to the cafeteria. People started giving him weird looks. It wasn't like he was excited to get the the cafeteria for the food, he was more excited to see a specific someone.

His eyes wandering over all the people, Peter finally spotting a flash of curly brown hair.

Walking over to that table, Peter slid in, right next to MJ. She looked up and gave him a small smile.

"What's up, loser?" She asked.

Peter didn't know why he did it, or what possesed to do it, but he did it anyway.

He kissed Michelle on the cheek.

Her head whipped around and she asked "What was that?"

"It's called affection." Peter stated .

Do it again"

PeterMJ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now