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Inspired by Demi Lovato's Heart Attack (though almost nothing like the song.) Enjoy!!!


Michelle Jones was probably the last person in the world to be described as girly. She found very little pleasure in things such as her appearance or boys. In fact, it wasn't unlike her to avoid such matters as those. Of course, that was before the idiot-loser- rat-fink snuck his way into her life.

Peter Parker. The boy who changed everything. Michelle didn't realize it was happening. She started wondering more often if she looked pretty. She actually started to attempt taming her hair and wearing nice clothes. Her stomach would do flip flops and blood would rush to her cheeks. It hit her like a truck. What am I doing? I'm acting more girly than some of the girly girls.

And so Michelle tried to find the cause of all this. Peter Parker. That loser. He had broken her defense and now this was happening. But she kind of didn't want to stop it. Of course, she would never admit that to anyone.

Her brain told her she was being irrational. She wholeheartedly agreed. Michelle decided to that she would still act like such (because a mysterious force was making her, and so she was unable to control her actions) but would do it very subtly.

Well, the idiot noticed the changes. She even caught him glancing over at her a couple of times. He accepted her excuses whenever he asked, but it wasn't her plan to have him notice her!! Michelle could not make up her mind if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Why does stupid stuff like this happen to me?" She muttered as she opened her sketch book to a blank page and put her pencil down. It took her about 10 seconds to realize that she was drawing the idiot for the 16th time that month! And it just started about a week ago!

She let out a huff of frustration and tried to draw something else. No avail.

Why am I letting myself get so affected? Why am doing all this for him? Looking nice, acting girly, bein-

"Hey Michelle! What's with the skirt today?" He asked cheerfully.

She looked down to remember she had put on a skirt today. That is so not me, she groaned.

"Do I need a reason loser?" She retorted back.

"No no, I didn't mean it like that!" He quickly spoke to defend himself. "It's just... different. I like it though. You look nice." He smiled at her.

She returned the smile.
Right, she thought. That's why I'm doing all this. 

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