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MJ's pov

Peter invited me over, and for some reason I accepted. And now I'm hanging out at this losers house.

I figured out a long time ago that Peter's Spiderman, so I really was hoping to get a better look at the suit. As soon as we got in the room I asked

"Can I see the suit?"
"What suit?"
"The spiderman one! And don't deny it Parker, I already know your Spiderman."

By the look on his face I could tell he was very shocked. But he brought out the suit to look at.

I started examining it and  honesty, it's really well done.

Peter leaves the room to go help his aunt, and after a couple minutes of waiting, I can't resist. I pull his mask on and it lots up.

"Hello, you are not Peter."

I was a bit shocked, the loser had a voice that talks to him while he works?!

"Hi Karen. How do you know I'm MJ?"

"Peter often talks about you. Your physical appearance fits his descriptions almost perfectly."

I blush a little. Peter talks about me?

"How much is often?"

"You're name is mentioned on an average of 25 times on patrol. He spends on average 30 minutes talking about you, and most of that is rants on your good qualities and how you will never like someone like him. I have told him countless times to just admit his feeling and ask you out, but he doesn't want to."
(A/N: Exposed!!!!)

"MJ?" Peter questions.

I quickly pull off the mask and whip my head around to look at him. I'm probably blushing like crazy.

"Oh, hi loser."
"What were you doing?"
"Ummm, trying on your mask obviously, are you blind now too?"
"Did Karen tell you anything."
"I received some information from Karen."
"What exactly?"
"Oh, nothing much. Just the fact that you are madly in love with me."

Peter became a tomato. Literally. His whole face was red.

"I know you don't like me back, so can you forget all that and can we still be friends. I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"This most definitely ruins our friendship."

Peter looks really frightened.

"Know why? Because I seem to like you as much back, loser!"

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