Chapter Thirteen - The Bargaining

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[A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates on this in the past year. I am going to be updating it every other day from now until April 30, when it will be finished. Thanks!]

Billy sat on a bench off the side of a main road. He no longer had the suit on, and looked like a completely normal teenager to any onlookers. He had his earbuds in and was staring straight ahead, seldom blinking. Like the standard lovesick teen with too many problems. But he wasn't lovesick, and his problems went way deeper than a little teen angst. Billy was a fifteen year-old superhero that had about the same powers as Superman. But Billy wasn't an alien, nor was he actually the age that he looked like when he changed. Still, Superman believed Billy could take down Black Adam, which was saying a lot. Although, Superman still didn't know that Billy wasn't actually an adult, or that he had no idea how to fight or even really use his powers. How did life get so complicated so quickly?

Billy could see Black Adam floating above the city, searching for Billy. Black Adam needed Billy in order for him to move forward with his plans. Without defeating Billy, Black Adam could not access the Rock of Eternity, and could not kill the wizard and acquire the power within the Rock. So Billy's initial plan was simple—hide. But that wouldn't work. Freddy had explained to him that super-villains usually give an ultimatum, which, if Billy was understanding it right, was very bad. For example, if Billy were to stall and hide out, Black Adam would simply threaten to kill one person every hour that Billy does not show himself. Just like... what was that movie called? Freddy would know.

Billy stood up slowly. He felt surprisingly calm. His gaze was fixed on Black Adam, who looked small from where he hovered up in the sky. Billy was trying to picture a cool entrance, one that would be intimidating. Nothing was coming to him. The ones that he had imagined before coming all featured some sort of explosion. Not that the lightning that struck every time Billy said you-know-what wasn't cool, but a real explosion would really get Black Adam on his toes. Unfortunately, nothing explosive in sight. Not that Billy would know what to do with it if there was.


The word had just kinda slipped out. Billy had felt himself getting nervous and had just figured ah, screw it. Now, Black Adam was flying toward him, and he didn't look so small anymore. Perfect.

Billy and Black Adam now hovered face-to-face once more. Billy took a moment to mirror Black Adam's determined face, hoping it would be good for a social media post later.

"At last, I've found you," Black Adam said.

"I technically found you," Billy pointed out. "I mean, you're not a hard man to find."

Black Adam smiled grimly. "I can't say the same about you. I do wonder what is under that suit of yours. What does the perfect man look like?"

"I came here to make a bargain," Billy said, changing the subject.

"Oh did you now?" replied Black Adam. "Well, I do hope you've reconsidered my offer. We would make a great team, you and I. Unstoppable, I'd imagine."

"No, hadn't really put much more thought into that," Billy said honestly. "But I have a proposal of my own to make."

"Well get on with it then."

"You leave Earth and never return," started Billy, "and I will spare your life."

Black Adam laughed. "I don't think you understand the meaning of a bargain. You see, in this type of offer, you would have to give me something that I want. For instance, access to the Rock of Eternity."

Billy shook his head. "Not going to happen."

"And so we're back to square one. The part where I beat you up and take your powers, then use them to access the Rock of Eternity, where I will take control and kill the wizard. Then, all the power within the Rock will be mine."

"Hmm," Billy thought about that. "How about we go back a step, to the one where you do none of that and don't even exist in this world."

Black Adam smirked. "Let me ask you a question. How old are you?"

Billy tried to make himself look taller, momentarily forgetting that he was one: in the air and two: already a grown man.

"Okay, so I'm going to estimate that you're not much more than a kid. And in that case, you have no idea what you're talking about. You know I'm stronger than you. So hear me out, kid. Here's my offer. Take me to the Rock of Eternity, or I will destroy you."

"How about neither?" Billy retorted.

"Okay, kid, last chance."

Billy stood strong. He wasn't giving in. He wasn't going to run away from his problems like he had his whole life. He was going to stay and fight for what he believed in.

Black Adam sighed. "Option two, then."

Black Adam swung at Billy, who caught his fist with his hand. Billy looked down and grinned. He had countered an attack. "Did you see that?" he exclaimed.

Black Adam wasn't impressed. He struck with his other fist, sending Billy flying backwards. Billy caught himself and regained control of his flight. Black Adam sped toward him and whipped his fist across Billy's face. Billy smirked. "I'm invincible, remember?"

Black Adam grinned. "Oh, I remember."

Black Adam clasped his hands together and pushed out toward Billy. A bolt of lightning struck him in the chest. Billy fell backward and this time crashed into the street. The jolt of electricity ran through his body, catching his left leg on fire. Billy panicked and started patting it down, trying to extinguish the fire. He used his super-dash to hide behind an alleyway and leaned against the cold brick, panting. That was it—he wasn't ready to face Black Adam.

"Where are you, champion?" Black Adam was calling. "You can't hide from me. Come out and face me like a man. You are no match for me!"

"What about me?" another voice said.

Billy looked out into the street and gasped. Floating in the air across from Black Adam was Superman himself. He had come to help.

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