Chapter 4

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'Fuck' Michael thought. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Only word he could think about. How the hell was he such a pussy?

Even though he was quite popular, Michael was never really good with girls; but he wasn't bad. He had his fair number of girlfriends and dates but his love life was kinda hard and not that good because of the simple fact that not all girls were attracted to purple haired, piercing wearing, punk-rock guys. Still, he had experience, he knew how to approach girls, how to talk to them, even if at the end he would get rejected. Then what the hell was his problem?!

It was completely ridiculous to him how he didn't have the courage to talk to the girl. He was almost 18 years old for god's sake. He had experience, he've done it before, then why couldn't he do it this time?

Really, the problem was her. If she wasn't so beautiful and mysterious looking and maybe everything Michael looks for in a girl then maybe he could've talk to her. That was it. It was her. She was different so Michael couldn't just use his old tactics or methods. He had to think of something different and muster up the courage to approach her. For now he could only sit at the lunch table next to Luke sulking because of his lack of ability to socially interact with the girl.

"Dude, do you see her?" was the first thing Luke said when he sat at the table next to him. Thank God Ashton and Calum hadn't arrived yet so they couldn't hear their conversation.

"Yeah" Michael whispered nervously.

"Where is she? I want to see her."

"Okay, but be discreet. At the far end of the lunch room, to the right, sitting alone." Michael whispered. He watched as Luke wandered his eyes searching for her in the room. His eyes widened when he finally saw her.

"You were right" Luke whispered.

"What?" Michael asked confused.

"You were right. She really is beautiful" Luke said not taking his eyes of the girl, examining her.

Michael felt pleased because he was right in saying the girl was beautiful but also felt angry at his friend for thinking that. He didn't have the right to call her that, no one could, only Michael. He felt a feeling of ownership for the girl like if they were actually in the relationship even if they didn't know each other.

Then it hitted Michael like a ton of bricks. He thought she was beautiful, Luke thought she was beautiful, probably the whole world thought she was beautiful. And in the whole world there were many guys with better social skills than Michael, that could get her and actually talk to her and not coward up like him. He had to act fast. If he didn't go for it then other people will certainly do and Michael couldn't let that happen; he wouldn't let that happen.

"Back off, dude. You know I like her plus you have a girlfriend, don't you?" Michael angrily said.

"Mike calm the fuck down I'm just agreeing with you plus you know I wouldn't do that to you or Fran. You know I'm not like that. Jeez" Luke said defensively.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just...I...I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. She is driving me fucking crazy. I can't even talk to her because I get like paralyzed and cower down. When have you seen Michael Clifford being unable to talk to a girl!? I'm going out of my mind." The purple haired lad whisper-yelled holding his head in his hands.

Michael has felt so many new emotions since he saw her this morning. He had never acted like this ever in his life and it was scaring him. How can only one person, who've he has never even shared a word with, affect the way he acts and feel all of a sudden?

Michael feels as if its not fair. Its not fair he's feeling like this and she is just eating her sandwich without a care in the world at the back of the lunch room. Is not fair that he is struggling with himself and she is oblivious to it. Michael selfishly wants her to be affected by him, wants her to struggle because of him, wants her to see him the way he sees her. That's everything he wants. And Michael is well known for getting what he wants.

"Its okay, Michael calm down. You can still talk to her tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after. I'm sure you only say 'hi' and she'll be at your feet, just calm down."

'I hope so.' Michael thinks. He hopes that everything Luke says is true because he is sure that if the situation was the other way around he would be at her feet just by her taking a glance at him.

Their conversation ends by Ashton and Calum's arrival. They begin talking about some TV show or something and Luke joins in in conversation. Michael just stays quiet the whole lunch thinking and when asked what's wrong by Ashton he just shrugs and says he is thinking about some homework he has for History receiving a knowing look from Luke.

When the bell finally rings he just goes to his next class quietly, which is music, his favorite class. Surprisingly enough, none of his best friends are in that class seeing as they are all musicians too. But Michael doesn't really care that much because that's probably the only class he doesn't need the distractions of his friends seeing that he does really enjoys the class.

When he arrives though, he gets the same paralyzed, breathless feeling he got before at the lunch room and his eyes widen. There sitting in one of the benches softly strumming a guitar, is her. She is humming lightly to the melody she is playing and if Michael thought earlier he was going to have a heart attack he was definitely having it now .


Hellooo :) How you doin? This is chapter 4 and here we have Michael freaking out. Picture on the top is his face when he sees the girl. I don't really know if this one is short but if it is then sorry :) Next chapter FINALLY we can learn the name of the girl I promise. Sooo hope you like this and see you in 5 days. Byeeee! Love, Comment,Vote <3

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