Chapter 6

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When the bell rang Michael jolted out of the classroom in milliseconds. He really didn't want to risk having to make any type of contact with Alenna right now. He wasn't ready.

He arrived to his next class, Spanish, a lot earlier that what he uses to normally. The purple-haired lad doesn't really appreciate being yelled at in a foreign language so he always comes in a tad bit late to lower the amount of yelling he has to receive, even if its just a few minutes.

"Ah pero mira quien decidio llegar a tiempo. Buenas tardes Miguel." (Ah but look who decided to come in on time. Good evening Michael) says his Spanish teacher Señora Jaimes. She is an always-annoyed middle-aged Colombian woman who became a teacher when she moved to Australia but that also has part-time job at being a bruja (witch).

"Buenas tardes Señora Jaimes." (Good evening Mrs. Jaimes) Michael says with an almost groaning-like tone. He really dislikes this class.

He takes a seat near the back of the class and waits for the only friend he has that shares this class with him; Luke, or more like Lucas that is by what Señora Jaimes calls the blonde-haired guy. He finally arrives about 2 minutes later and takes a seat next to Michael.

Before they could even utter a word to each other Señora Jaimes began explaining their assignment for today, that for Michael's luck was just to read a conversation from their books an with a partner recreate it, which was pretty simple.

Obviously Michael and Luke paired together and opened their books to begin. The purple-haired lad was itching to tell Luke about the new encounter he had with the girl, that he now knows is called Alenna.

"¿Hola, como te a ido?" (Hello, how are you doing?) asked Luke beginning their assignment.

"Muy bien, y a ti?" (Good, and you?) responded Michael with a lot of bore ness and disinterest lacing his voice.

"Maravilloso" (marvelous)

"¿Querrías tu com- Okay, fuck this. I gotta tell you something." Said Michael forgetting about his Spanish assignment. It could wait.

"Alright, what's up" asked his blonde friend.

"Okay, so guess who is in my music class?" Michael asked.

"Ummm, let me see? Is it a girl? Does she have-quote "the prettiest brown hair and really deep brown eyes" or was she like "so gorgeous that it took my breath away" or like was sh-

"Okay, fuck you Luke. And yes she was there. And god damn it I almost had a fucking heart attack." Michael said cutting off his friend.

"Great. So did you talk to her?" The blonde guy asked.

"Obviously not. Didn't you catch the part that I HAD A FUCKING HEART ATTACK! If I had talk to her it would've look as if I was chocking. Not happening"

"Well Michael I'm kinda getting tired of these and it has been less than a day. You need to talk to her or something ASAP because I can't do this for much more time." Luke said sounding tired. He was understanding and a good friend but he wanted to have a conversation with Michael that didn't involve certain girl.

"Okay, alright, alright soon I promise. But guess what I find out in music class?" asked the purple-haired lad with a giddy smile.

"What?" asked Luke.

"I finally found out her name. She is called Alenna White and she is a new student." said Michael savoring the taste of her name rolling out of his tongue. He wishes next time he says it is to her face directly talking to her.

"Ummm, Alenna. It suits her." Luke says.

"Yeah I-"

"Miguel y Lucas no los escucho hablando español. ¿Querrían compartir su conversación con la clase?" (Michael and Luke I don't hear you speaking spanish. Would you like to share your conversation with the class?) asked Señora Jaimes cutting Michael off.

"No Señora Jaimes" said Michael with annoyance present in his voice.

"Eso pensé. Próxima vez que pase sera detención, entendido?" (I thought so. Next time this happens is going to be detention, got it.) said Señora Jaimes pointing at them with a ruler, now the whole class watching them.

"Entendido" (Got it.) said both Michael and Luke at the same time.

'Perra' (bitch). Michael thought. He really didn't despise most teachers and teachers didn't hate him. But, God was Señora Jaimes the exeption.

After a long time and a dreadful spanish conversation with Luke the bell rung which meant the end of one awful period and the beginning of his last one which was Gym. Ew. Thankfully he shared this class with all his best friends.

Michael walked to gym with Luke. He entered and saw Ashton and Calum already on the bleaches. But there was also another person in that bleaches looking at her phone with glasses perched at the tip of her nose and hair now in a ponytail. Fucking Alenna White was in his class again and Michael again got paralyzed. God, he had to do something about that.

"Oh oh Alenna alert" said Luke walking past him shaking his head.

Really really boring short filler. I apologise for doing this but there has to be some of this while the story begins climaxing. Hopefully next time is better but hey this one has a foreign language in it so holla all spanish speakers ;). If you didn't know Miguel is how you say Michael in spanish. The more you know. Byeee. Read, comment, vote <3

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