Chapter 5

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'Deep breaths, Michael take deep breaths' chants Michael in his head. He needs to calm down because something worse than not being able to talk to the girl is having a freaking asthma attack in front of her. He thought nothing worse than not being able to talk to her at lunch could happen to him but he was wrong. Now he was in her same class and he probably wouldn't be able to focus in the only class he likes because of her.

'Oh no. She is in my class. In my class. So much can happen. Oh my god. What if I have to sit next to her? What if we have to do classwork together? What if we get partnered and a we have to do a project after-school. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. OH.MY.GOD" Michael thought. His breathing was becoming ragged again and he felt his throat closing off. 'Deep breaths, Deep Breaths, Deep Breaths' he kept chanting.

Michael was never a pessimist. He always looked at the brighter side of things, the glass half full. But with her, he could only think about the worst case scenario. His head was being bombarded with what-ifs, that being realistic would be unlikely to happen but really, what if.

He felt he was standing for too long so he went and sat on a bench the farthest away from her as possible. It was incredible how before lunch he was so exited of talking to her and finally meeting and now he was trying to escape her. He couldn't talk to her. He couldn't approach her. He couldn't be near her. He couldn't.

He sat observing her strum the guitar chords until Mr. Smith came in, beginning the class. Again, he didn't know he had something for girls that played guitar, but apparently he did thanks to her, and now he couldn't imagine dating a girl who didn't had an ability with the sting instrument.

"Okay class, good afternoon. So I'm gonna take attendance real quick and then we can begin the class alright" Mr. Smith said.

Michael perked up at that. Attendance. Mr.Smith was taking attendance. You read names to take attendance. He will read her name while taking attendance. He couldn't be more happier with Mr.Smith for taking attendance today. He could literally run off and hug him. He was going to know her name finally and he didn't even need to ask himself.

It was a huge relief for Michael to know that he didn't have to ask her to know her name. Finally he would know what name matches that beautiful creature sitting on that bench.

Mr.Smith began calling out names. He was one of the firsts and just answered a quick 'present' when he was called. He was listening carefully to hear her name. His teacher was on the last letters when Michael finally heard it. "Alenna White" Mr.Smith called and she answered with "present".

Alenna White. Alenna White. Alenna White. Her name was Alenna White. Michael didn't imagine what her name could be but it was certainly not Alenna White. That name matched her perfectly and Michael almost felt angry for marching her with names like Stacey or Christina. Her name was so original and different yet at the same time so delicate and feminine. It matched her completely. He thanked her parents for thinking of such name because now he couldn't imagine any other that could match her like Alenna does.

"Alenna are you new? I've never heard of you before" Mr. Smith asked with a smile.

"Yeah I'm new. I've just moved here." she said. It was the first time Michael heard her voice and it was one of those voices that makes you think 'that person probably sings' just by hearing them talk. It was neither high nor low and it was laced with an Australian accent that seemed a bit different from his own.

"Oh, well then welcome. I'm Mr.Smith and I'll be your music teacher this year and this goes as well for all the other people that don't know me." said Mr. Smith with smile. He was not old probably around 30 and was fun to talk with. He was definitely Michael's favorite teacher.

A mumbled 'thanks' was heard from Alenna and Mr. Smith called the last 2 names on the list. Then, his teacher explained they would be doing a mini project for the class, thankfully alone. Michael went straight to work, trying to distract himself of the brown-eyed beauty seating a few meters away from him.

He kept thinking about her. About her voice, about her name, about her hair, everything about her. He just couldn't get her out of his mind. He thought maybe she was some kind of mind-controlling witch or something because that obsession he has with her definitely has never happened to Michael in his whole 17 year-old life.

He knew she wasn't a witch but he sure knew she had something different. Something that screamed mysteriousness and adventure. She made Michael weak at the knees, or maybe weak at everything and she hasn't even spoke to him.

He was scared. He was scared about how much control this girl had on him already. She had so much control now and they didn't even know each other, so how is it going to be when they actually do? He was scared he could be manipulated, but in all honesty if Michael was to be manipulated and controled, he wanted Alenna White the one who does it.


Okay so this is chapter 5 and i feel it is definitely short but at least you get to know her name. Also more of michael freaking out ;) Hopefully you like it and hopefully a longer chapter next time. Picture of Alenna on the top ^^ Byeee! Read, Comment, Vote <3

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