Chapter 10

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When the bell rang Michael was decided. That is way he hurried up and went straight away to his music class to wait for Alenna.

The thing with Michael is that normally, he is able to hide his emotions. You really didn't see a lot of Michael Clifford crying, Michael Clifford nervous, Michael Clifford crushing on someone. He was channeling this special ability of his right in that moment so his nerves wouldn't show when he talked to Alenna.

Michael situated himself where he saw Alenna sit last class; back of the room, like always. He was fidgeting with his hands and bouncing his knee in anticipation. To say his was nervous was a misconception.

And finally after what felt like hours to Michael but only a minute or so, Alenna entered the classroom. The purple-haired lad tried to stay cool, calm, and to breath but it was too difficult with such a beautiful human being so close to him. Michael felt as if time slowed and the air got ticker when he was around her. If Alenna White was Earth Michael was like an eclipsed moon, invisible, circling around her trying to catch her pace.

Alenna sat next to Michael not acknowledging him in any way whatsoever. They were sitting approximately 30 cm. away from one another and even though that was a fair distance Michael was having trouble to breath. 'Deep breaths, Michael take deep breath' chanted the purple-haired lad; something that he always does when his close to the enchanting girl.

'This is it' Michael thought. This was the moment when finally he was gonna talk to Alenna. He could only imagine Luke's proud face when he tells him he finally talked to the girl. He can only imagine annoyed Calum and Ashton because they can't continue to tease him. He can only imagine what talking to her was like. But Michael was done imagining, he was doing. And so he did.

"Hi" he blurted out voice sounding quite squeaky from his nerves. Michael was cursing himself inside.

Alenna looked up from her phone to find the voice talking to her. She locked gazes with Michael. Time froze.

One thing was for Michael to look at Alenna. He could look at her all he wanted; he was free to do that, he had the control there. But for them to lock gazes was something that came from two parts and Michael was almost dying because Alenna was one of the parts. This was so unimaginable and overwhelming for Michael that it felt like a dream; having her pretty brown eyes meeting his green ones couldn't be real.

She was looking at him. No, she was observing, maybe examining, Michael. Her eyes roamed the lad's body, face, and even hair with curiosity and doubt. She was observing him as if to figure out if he was worthy of her responding. Michael hoped she did but he knew he was picky.

"Hi?" Alenna asked with the oh-so beautiful voice of hers.

Michael couldn't believe it. She had actually responded. He had heard tales fron Calum saying she never talked unless it was for teachers, that she never responded to anyone trying to talk to her. Except Michael. She responded to someone and that lucky person was him. He couldn't believe it.

After what in Michael's head was an eternity but really were only a couple of seconds Michael asked with slightly wary tone "hey you're the new girl right?".

"Umm, yeah. I'm Alenna. I just moved from Perth." she responded still giving her undivided attention to Michael. God, he was gonna die.

"Oh umm great. I'm Michael, nice too meet you Alenna" he said acting casual when inside he was dying with nerves and excitement.

"Nice to meet you too Michael." she said for manners and it sounded a bit not sincere and awkward but Michael didn't care. In that moment he died. His name rolling out of her tongue was the best sound he has ever heard. Better than anything. It gave him goosebumps and he wished he had been recorded their conversation so he could've made that sound his new ringtone.

"I've noticed because of your shirt that you like Blink. They are so fucking amazing, great music taste." said Michael going for his expert topic, music. He was playing it safe.

"You like them? They are awesome. Wish I was this age when they were big like in the late 90's, not a little kid" she says slightly grinning because of the topic. Michael felt a sense of pride for being the cause of her smiling, even if it was small, really small. It was the first time that he had seen Alenna White smile and he sure wanted to see it again especially if it was because of him.

"Yeah I get you. And hell yeah, I like them. Take of Your Pants and Jacket is like the soundtrack for my life, its such a good album." Michael says, proud of himself for keeping the conversation.

"Oh yes. That album is so fucking amazing. Online Songs is my favorite. I can literally listen to it on repeat for like two hours straight " she says with such a passion in her voice. Michael easily figured out she loves music.

"God yes, yes , yes. I love Online Song though Roller-coaster comes as a close second, don't you think?"

"Hell yes!" Alenna exclaims.

They go like this until Mr. Smith comes in minutes later. Michael couldn't be more happier. He finally got the guts to talk to the girl and it actually went well. Really well. They were so similar in some things. They liked the same music and songs and Michael was needing this girl more and more each passing second.

They talked so effortlessly so natural that had Michael stunned. He thought his first encounter with her would be awkward and just bad but it went the total opposite. He wasn't surprised by the satisfied and complete feeling he was now feeling in his chest. She does that to him. And Michael couldn't help but wanting that feeling to prolong more; by her side.

And when the bell rang and Alenna dismissed with a "see you later Michael" he knew he was still the moon of the world that was Alenna but now he was not eclipsed and invisible, he was in his full shining brighting up the night that was her heart.

Really like how it turned out and is not a filler anymore yayyyy. btw the albums and songs mentioned are my real favorites haha. you should listen because Blink are awesome. Anyway hoped you liked it and that you are enjoying this story in general because im having a blast. Btw it has already been a month and a half since i began this wow.Byeee :) Read, comment, vote <3

P.s. next chapter is a filler soz

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