Chapter 2

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Michael entered his English class still dazed. His teacher asked the reason for his tardy and he could just shrug, not able to speak yet. Mr. Evans let him in without a late infraction because it was the second day of school so he let it slide. Thank God.

Michael scanned the class for one of his friends and saw a vacant seat next to one of his best friends, Calum.

"Dude, why were you late?" asked Calum as soon as Michael took the seat beside him.

"I overslept." Was the only thing Michael answered.

Michael really didn't have a problem with english. It actually was one of his good subjects. He normally would work and take notes but today it was impossible for him to focus in complex sentences and grammatical rules. He just sat there next to Calum 50 minutes thinking of her and her curly hair.

When the bell rang Calum had to nudge him awake and out of his world to go to his next class, that fortunately he shared with all 3 of his best friends but, unfortunately was Calculus. Ew.

"Mate what were you thinking about the whole class? You were like literally asleep with your eyes open over there." asked Calum while walking to their next class.

"Have you ever seen a girl with curly hair, brown eyes, big glasses, curvy, ever at school before?" Michael answered with another question.

"Dude, you just described like 30% of the girls in this school. Be a little more specific, can ya?" responded Calum with a chuckle.

"Shut up you twat. Just forget it." Michael said now annoyed with his friend's stupidity. Though he knew his brown haired friend was right, that was not a really specific description. But you couldn't really blame him, he only saw her for a few seconds.

"Whatever" was the last thing Calum said before they arrived at his class just before the bell rung. There, they were met by Michael's other best friends; Ashton and Luke. Michael took a sit next to Luke and began focusing on the class.

At his school Michael was quite popular. He had his friends here and there who he greeted in the mornings and maybe did proyects with when Calum, Luke, or Ashton weren't in his class. But his real best friends who which he sat at lunch and hanged out all the time were those 3 shitheads. Everyone knew that. They were like the group and it was like that since they were little. They were inseparable and told each other everything.

"Mike I didn't see you this morning. Where were you?" asked Luke in hushed tone so the teacher wouldn't hear their talking.

"Fucking alarm clock didn't sound so I overslept a bit. Was late to English. Thank God Mr. Evans didn't mark me as late." said Michael while pretending to take notes of what the teacher was saying.

"Oh, well good for you dude. Hey, do you wanna hang out at my place after school. Calum bought the new Fifa and we are gonna try it. Ash is coming too but he isn't playing. You know how he is about Fifa."

"Yeah, alright. Can't wait to beat your asses at it. You know I'm the king of video games." Michael said with a grin.

"Whatever. I actually practiced my video games skills while on break so don't be so sure, Clifford." Luke teased.

"Sure Lukey, keep believing that you're gonna beat me. You've been saying that for years now" said the purple haired lad patting the other's shoulder.

"Shut up dickhead" Luke said going back to his work and Michael could only smile.

If you asked Michael who were his best friends he would answer Calum, Luke, and Ashton in a heartbeat, but he always had a special friendship with Luke. It was a love/hate relationship that made them look like an old married couple and he loved it. The best part was that the blond guy could always keep a secret so he knew who would be the first to know about the mysterious girl he'd seen a couple of hours earlier in the hallway.

Finally, after too much time, the bell ranged and Calculus was finally over. Now he had History with Luke. Mrs. Rogers, a really nice old lady, was their teacher for that class. She was really kind and a good teacher but she was just too old. You couldn't help but fall asleep with her slow voice ranting about some ancient civilization. Also, she had hearing problems so you could practically be shouting in her class and she wouldn't notice. 'Perfect' Michael thought.

He took a seat next to Luke at the back of the room and took out all his materials that he probably wouldn't be using. He had better things to do than learn about the Egyptians, like for example, telling his friend about certain girl.

"Luke I gotta tell you something" Michael said turning to his blonde friend.

"Yeah, what's up" Luke said slightly concerned. Michael was never one to be serious, he was always sarcastic and teasing, so when he wasn't like that you just knew it had to be something important.

"Okay but promise not to say anything to Calum and Ashton until I tell you. You know how they are." Michael said.

"Yeah, of course. You know I will never say anything." Luke said.

"Okay. So I saw this girl."


A.N: Heyy ;) this is chapter 2. Kinda sucky but yeah is only the beginning. Say hi to the rest of 5sos and Muke aka the best bromance ever. So Kaya Scodelario is doing as the mysterious girl for now because I haven't found anyone I like more than her yet. So imagine her with brown eyes, longer hair and glasses. Hope you like this. Byee! Read, comment, vote <3

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