Chapter 3

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"Wow dude" said Luke after Michael ended his ranting about the girl.

At the beginning, Michael only wanted for Luke to know about the girl. Some simple description like 'her hair was brown' or 'she had black jeans on' but his brain had different plans for him. He ended up telling every single detail and every little aspect he saw in her to his friend. Luke could only sit and hear Michael talk about the girl for 15 minutes.

"Yeah" Michael sighed. He didn't know what was happening to him. He normally wouldn't get like this for a girl and less if it was one he knew absolutely nothing about. That scared him because, what if he got to know the girl and she wasn't what he thought? What if she was completely uninteresting and boring? He didn't want to get his hopes up about her but he just knew someone like her had to be as interesting as her appearance made her to be. She just had.

"Mikey I honestly don't know what to say. You've never acted like this before in all the years we've known each other. I just recommend not to get so obsessed with her until you know her well, 'cause right now you don't even know her name. But if she really is as you think she is then I will absolutely be there to help you in whatever you need. I will get her number for you, I will talk to her about you, whatever, okay? " Luke said with a serious tone.

That was something Michael loved the most about Luke Hemmings. Even though he was the youngest of his friends he held so much maturity in times like this. He was absolutely everything a good friend should be and Michael was happy he had the privilege to have such person as best friend. He knew Luke meant everything he said with his heart and Michael was extremely thankful. He loved Calum and Ashton to bits but he knew that if he had told them all this to them they would've just laughed at him and teased him. That's how they were and he accepted it. He doesn't blame them really, because he probably would've laughed his ass of like them if one them told them everything about some girl's hair that they didn't even know the name of.

"Thank you Luke, really, you're such a good friend. I don't really know what happening with me either. I just got a feeling when I saw her can't even describe it. I just know I need to know her." Michael said shaking his head. "I'm so pathetic. I'm really fucking obsessing about a girl I don't even know! What is wrong with me?"

"Mike is okay. Don't be so hard with yourself, you're not pathetic. I can't know how you're feeling but I'll help you, okay? Don't worry." Luke said patting his friend shoulder.

"Thanks Luke, really. This is why I tell you stuff. Calum and Ash would've just laughed at me"

"I can't say they wouldn't. We all know how they are" Luke said chuckling a bit. "But, you do know you have to tell them, right. We made a promise remember"

'Right the promise'. 14 year-old Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton once made a promise to tell everything to each other. At the time it was a great idea, now its just kind of embarrassing and even girly. Though Michael did had to admit that, that promise made their friendship so strong and lasting. That promise meant they had no secrets between each other.

"I know, I know. I just want to wait to at least know her name before telling them." Michael said.

"That's alright just make it soon. By the way, you haven't seen her since this morning?" asked Luke.

"No. She's in none of my classes for now and I think she wasn't at school yesterday 'cause I've never seen her before this morning. I hope I can maybe see her at lunch."

"Well, maybe she's new. That would explain why you haven't seen her before." said Luke with a shrug.

"Yeah, thats probably it." said Michael ending their conversation.

Michael really couldn't believe how he was acting. This was just crazy. He was almost 18, for god's sake, not a 12 year-old girl obsessing about some celebrity. He just thought it was pathetic and really didn't want to talk about it anymore. He had already vented all his feelings with Luke and all that was left was to plan how was he going to approach the brown haired girl at lunch.

The bell rung which meant there was only one period left before lunch. He said good-bye to Luke and went on his way to Biology, which he shared with Ashton. When he got there he sat next to his curly haired best friend who flashed him his award winning smile.

"Hey mate! You coming to Luke's house after school? I told him I'd only go if you did 'cause I don't want to be alone while Cal and him played Fifa." spoke Ashton, thick Australian accent present in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be there. But, you do know that it will be much more easy if you were just normal and played Fifa like everybody else."

"Shut up, bro" said the older lad sending a playful glare to Michael that after just a second became a grin and a kinda girly giggle emitted from him. "You are awful"

"You know you can't get mad at me Ash so stop trying" said Michael with a smile.

Luke was the most mature one and the one Michael always went to seek for advise but when he needed someone to cheer him up and make him laugh he knew Ashton was the best for that. You just couldn't help but replicate that grin that seem to be tattooed to his face 24/7. And that giggle, was just irresistible; you just had to laugh when you heard it.

They stopped talking when the teacher began his class. Michael didn't pay much attention because he was to busy about how to approach the girl at lunch. How would he act? Maybe act cool and cheeky, or more like sweet and tell her her hair looked good today. He had no idea.

He wasted all class thinking about his plan so when the bell rung he was pretty content and secure about it. He was gonna act casual and just approach her normally. He hoped it worked.

However, when he entered the lunch room some minutes later his plan crumbled. There at the back of the room was her, now with her curly hair swept to the side, sitting in a table alone. It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her but he couldn't. He was paralyzed, unable to do anything.

She had this effect in him and she didn't even know it. She had him in the verge of a heart attack and she was completely oblivious to it. 'Damn it' Michael thought as he forced his feet to walk to there usual table. He just kept asking himself how he was going to do it if she literally took his breath away whenever he looked at her. 'Well shit' he thought. He had to come up with something and fast.


A.N: Hiiii! This is chapter 3. Here we see more about Muke and their bromance and also a bit of Mashton. More about the girl in the next chapter. Btw I absolutely love comments and suggestions so if you have any be free to write one. Also, I'm trying an update schedule so every update would be every 5 days, if thats okay. Love you!! Read, comment, vote <3

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