𝐭𝐰𝐨 | " 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝. "

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"Hey, Ram? Yeah. Yeah. Gwil's out for the weekend, I know. Yes. I was just- oh my god, I'm still doing the groceries! No, don't bring Lucy she's going to bombard me with- RAMI!"

I just shouted in the middle of the biscuit aisle as I'm talking Rami on the phone with my earphones on because I'm pushing my cart. I looked around and muttered apologies to the people who were there with me and awkwardly pushed my cart away and towards the register.

"I'm bringing Lucy so she can cook food for us. It's going to be lovely." Rami said over the phone. He knows too well that I'll give in because of what he just said. Lucy's his girlfriend which I've known longer than him. She demanded to be my bestest friend cause she knew me first before Gwilym and Rami.

I've been friends with her since high school and she knows a shit ton of things about me like why I started living on my own at the age of fifteen. Well, not almost but we'll get into there soon. I just don't want to see her because of what happened last week.

She and Rami set a blind date for me and their common friend whom they think would like me and I would like. I agreed because it's going to be at an Italian restaurant that I love so much. The blind date wasn't bad, the girl named Clara was nice and all. Everything I would look for, but girls are like milk for me.

I'm lactose intolerant.

Didn't get it, huh? I'm gay. That's it. And I've told Lucy about it right after I got home. She, Rami and Gwilym were waiting in the living room and attacked me with questions. I was pressured and I don't like it when I'm pressured because I get aggressive and it slipped off my mouth.

"Guys! I'm fucking gay! That's why I never dated girls! And never I'll be in a relationship because I don't even like boys around me! I'm gonna die alone!" Yes, that's my exact words and it shocked the two guys- well, Lucy had a different expression.

There was this smirk on her face as she clapped her hands like a little girl and just said "I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." She didn't get the chance to ask me further about my confession because she needed to be away for a week for work. Now that she's back I'm just trying to keep my schedule busy, good thing I have to work on the portfolio but now I'm starting to realized that maybe I should've just went with Gwil to London. None of this would've happen.

I groaned as I stack the items I took infront of the cashier. "Fine. Fine." As if I have a choice, I'd rather have them all three than be alone. Just thinking about what I saw makes my knees weak and I want to cry.

"Perfect! I'll go pick her up and we will see you later. Bye, darling!" And he hanged up the phone.

Rami isn't gay or bisexual, he just acts like it because he's still got this hangover from playing Freddie for his threater act and picks up most of the legend's mannerisms. It is fond to see him like that and his girlfriend is loving it.

Now, that's a cute couple.

Shortly after I paid for my groceries, I just realized that I should have taken my car with me because the groceries are too damn heavy to carry with my hands. I overspent, don't judge I am stressed as fuck. It's all because of a fucking hallucination.

Joe, you're not yet sure if it's just you or you actually saw something. Or someone. Wow, that added a lot to my growing anxiety. I'm skeptical of ghost, I'd be honest that's why I'm indenial of what I've seen. I chose not to believe and I will keep my word.

But goddamn it if that's indeed a ghost I will call BuzzFeed Unsolved.

I stood infront of the store for quite some time, contemplating if I should call a cab or walk. I don't wanna spend more I would be honest, this is getting too much. My salary as a photographer is just enough for me to help Gwil with the bills and food, not with stuff like this. This is ridiculous of me, I know. And I'm overreacting, I know. Let's not talk about that anymore because I actually called a cab and I'm already in it with my stupid groceries. I bet Rami and Lucy are in the house already. He has an extra key so as Lucy because Gwil and I often lose ours.

I sent a quick text to Rami asking if Sami is coming over too.

On my way home, is Sam coming over too?
Sent 4:30 ✔️

He's busy with sumthin but told him he can drop by if he likes. We're walking now.
Received 4:35

Oh, ok then. See you both.
Sent 4:35 ✔️

You could say I'm a quick texter.

The ride didn't take long because technically the store is just walking distance from our house but since I'm taking my paranoia on full mode, here we are. After dropping off my things in the front door, I went back to pay the driver and simply couldn't help it, I glanced at the old house next door. It's still the same as when I left earlier. If someone is inside, pretty sure whoever it is wants to clean the poor thing. It has been unoccupied for a decade already and who knows if any sort of wild snake snuck inside and decided to stay.

So many things to consider and my brain can't handle all of these. I should take the groceries instead and burst songs into the speakers so I wouldn't feel so alone.

As soon as I'm inside I immediately connected my phone to the speakers and just clicked shuffle on the current playlist, which I forgot what is.

You're just too good to be true,
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like heaven to touch..

Oh, look at that. My hopeless romantic self is melting. I know what playlist is that, the Sunday playlist. It's full of songs that aren't new, mostly combination of songs from 50's to late 80's. Yes, there's Queen. There should be Queen but let's enjoy what Spotify had to offer.

I started unpacking the items I've bought and decided to place them properly inside the cupboards. I was so used to Gwil doing all of this since we moved in together (on what you think, we aren't in a relationship) and from then on I just look up to him as my older brother. My family didn't care about me that's why I'm living all my myself with my best friend. It's fine with me so topic's closed.

The playlist shuffled again and is now playing my favourite song, Mamma Mia.

No, like I said I haven't gotten myself someone to date til this date so I've never been hurt. I don't know why I love the song, maybe the beat?

"Mamma Mia! Here I go again~" the door swung open and revealed Rami dancing to the song with the laughing Lucy following her boyfriend behind. He kept dancing around the living room as he sing along. Just imagine if Gwilym is here too. Why am I even friends with such idiots?

Well because I am one.

"Feel at home, guys." I sarcastically said when I saw the couple slouching themselves on the couch after the song changed once again. This time it's Remember The Time by Michael Jackson. I continued unpacking the goods while Rami rummage through my phone and God knows what is he doing but I couldn't care less. He can look at my photos and all he could see is saved memes and scary movies.

"So, any food plan for tonight?" I chuckled as Lucy walked towards me. She examined the veggies I bought and nods her head. God finally I was able to pick fresh things. I just don't know how to distinguish one from the other. It all looks good to me as long as it's edible and I can poop peacefully after. She's a senior chef by the way so that explains it.

She was holding the onion when her gaze locked out of nowhere, furrowing her brows as she leaned to me and whispered.

"I didn't know someone has bought the old house, did you meet your new neighbour?" I quickly followed where her eyes are fixated.

Yo, what the fuck.

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