𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | "𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝'."

483 22 19


Shit. Shit. Shit. Fucking shit.

"His dad is after him after all these years. I mean, it's stupid right? You kicked your son out of his home because he's homosexual and tell him he's a disgrace and that you're no longer his father then you'll come around threatening him." Lucy summarized what is actually happening while crying, Rami had to calm himself down because if not he will cry with his girlfriend.

Gwilym was yelling at the police on the phone because they said we couldn't blotter Joe's loss if it's not more than 24 hours. Fucking ridiculous.

Me? I couldn't speak. My mind is racing with thoughts and my body is aching for anger but overall I'm sick worried about Joe. I don't know where did he go, who is he with, if he's safe, when is he coming home.

Is he ever coming home? No no no, of course he'll come home! We're his family! I've only known him for a couple of months but I consider him more than just that. I care a lot about him and I will not hesitate to use violence if that's what it takes to get him back.

I'm just hoping that his dad didn't take him.

Fucking stupid of you Ben for asking him to meet you instead of picking him up from work. You and your stupid ideas. If Joe gets in trouble it is your fault and no one else. You're the one to blame.

"Ben." I quickly looked up to see the owner of the voice, it was uncle Fred. I didn't notice him arriving, I must have been so occupied of my thoughts. He was holding me by my shoulders and his eyes were about to cry. I couldn't help it, he nods to me and I gave in. I pulled him into a hug and pour everything out on his chest. He shush me as he rub my back but I can't take it anymore. It's been six hours since someone last saw him and I'm starting to get even more frustrated. Uncle Jim asked our neighbours to help him look for Joe downtown and everyone got worried.

Joe should come home so we can show him he is loved and he doesn't need his arsehole of a father. Joe should come home so I can shower him with my love.

"Benny, it's okay. We will get to find soon, dear. It'll be alright, hm?" I heard uncle Fred whispers. I don't know where the three went, it seems like it's just me and the old man. I continued to cry until I can no longer breathe, which panicked uncle Fred and slap me in the arm. God, I missed him.

Grandpa and uncle Fred were best of friends. Partners in crime, as they say. Grandpa used to tell a funny story that uncle Fred's name isn't even Fred— the man just loves Freddie Mercury and since Grandpa's name is Roger, he insisted they should be friends back at the time. Later in their lives, uncle Fred found his own Jim and Grandpa found Nana. Uncle Jim and Grandpa both served the army and decided to settle down here after their retirements, then the rest is history.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" I nod to his question as I slow pulled away from the hug, slouching myself on the couch and found myself just breathing deeply. "That's good, dear. Breathe."

I just smiled. Rami and uncle Fred sounds alike.

"The little lovies went with Jim to help them find your Joseph. Lucy told me you looked like a mess and that you should stay her—" he was cut off by me rapidly taking my keys and running out of house but quickly tugged by the man.

"Uncle Fred!"

"Nah! You're staying here with me until they come back, Martin is out there still and who knows what he's capable of when drugs is in his system?! You wouldn't want Joseph coming home to your dead cold body, would you dear?"

He's got a point. Joe told Lucy the reason why he's always acting odd when we're out in public, it's because his sister warn him about his dad seeing us together and threatened to kill us both. It sent shivers on my spine and churn in the stomach, I let uncle Fred drag me back inside.

"My hopes are high that he's in good hands, dear." The old man smiled to me, patting my head.

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes before uncle spoke once again. "You like him a lot, don't you?"

I blushed as a smile sheepishly showed across my lips.

"Ah, you don't need to say yes your face is red as tomato!" He squealed. "It will be fine, my boy. We'll find him."

As I'm about to mutter my thank you my phone rang, signaling for a phone call. I fished it out of my pocket and cried once again upon seeing the caller. I pressed the green button right away.


"Joey!" I cried onto the phone. "Where are you? What happened? Hello? Joey?!"

"Benjamin calm down I'm still here."

Oh, god that's a relief. "I thought I've lost you." I glanced at uncle Fred and the old lad smiled before ruffling my hair and walked towards the kitchen.

"You wouldn't lose my bitch, I'm not even yours—"

"I could've asked you if you didn't disappear. Now tell me where are you so I can pick you up and we can come home."

There was a silence on the line.

"That was, wow." I heard him sniffed and my heart flutter at the idea of his reddened nose. I could boop it all day.

I know we're in the verge of some serious situation but I don't want to waste time. He sounds safe, yes but he's always been a good pretender. For all I know he could've been tied on a chair while his dad is holding a gun to his head and just giving him the last chance to speak to me, to us.

"Joseph, I'm not kidding you have to tell me where are you!" Fear sprawled into my system just thinking of it and I honestly want to cry.

"We're at home. I'm with my sister and my mom. I can't go home, Ben. I don't want to put you in danger. Lucy must've told you. I know you're a soldier and you can protect yourself— wait no, right. You're a soldier what the fuck."

I can only imagine how he looks right now. "We could've report this to the head of security here on the neighbourhood to get us a restriction order against him. Joey, I have licensed guns. I hope I wouldn't have to use it but if I need to, I wouldn't hesitate." I clutched on my phone and whispers. "I don't wanna be apart from you now I know you need to be protected. Let me protect you, Joey please. Let me know where you are."

"I— fine. Okay. I'll talk to my sister. She's planning to send us all to Burbank with my brother but I didn't tell her my boyfriend's a retired army."

I nod in understanding until I realized something. "Wait, what?"


"What did you just say?"

"I just said 'what'."


"You heard me Benjamin!"

Oh my god. "Fuck you!"

"Can't you wait? We need to deal with my father, for God's sake." The sarcasm is evident when he said the word father but you can hear it in his voice. My boyfriend's voice.


"Yes, Benjamin?"

"I lo—"

The door swing open and revealed Lucy, Rami, Gwilym and uncle Jim. They still wearing their worry filled faces and I kind of feel bad that I wasn't able to help them find Joe.

"Ben, what were you saying?"

Rami's eyes widened. "Is that Joe—" he didn't wait for me to answer and just snatched my phone from my hand before screaming at it. Both him and Gwilym ran away, possibly bombarding him questions.

"Is he safe?"

"Where is he?"

Lucy and uncle Jim asked in unison. I smiled timidly while nodding. "He said he's with his sister and they're home. She wants to take Joe to Burbank because his brother is there but he's gonna convince her to stay with me instead."

They looked at each other with the same facial expression and I couldn't help but to smile sheepishly. I don't have to say anything, I'm sure they know.

And I'm so fucking sure of myself too.


𝐎𝐥𝐝-𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 | 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚣𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.Where stories live. Discover now