𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | "𝙹𝚘𝚎𝚢."

590 27 30


Ben picked me up ten minutes early and Lucy literally pushed me out of the house before I could speak. Ben finally met Gwilym and the two won't shut up about being British so Rami had to shut the door so we can leave.

"Where are we going?"

We're in his car right now and obviously he's confused because in England the driver's seat is on the left side. His car has the driver's seat on the right side. He's blushing and it's adorable. Plus he didn't answer my question because he's just fixated on the steering wheel.


He jumped sightly and turn to me. "Oi."

"Do you want me to drive? I can drive just tell me the direction—"

"No no no. I'm driving. Trust me I can handle this. I just got overwhelmed. This is the same car I'm using for a week now. I can drive. Trust me please—"

"Hey, calm down alright? I trust you." I chuckled and buckled up my seat belt. I'm in the shotgun seat by the way.

"Fastened?" I said, asking about his seatbelt that's still not around his body. I sighed, hovering over him so I can reach for the thing and buckle him up. I didn't mean to do it on purpose but our cheeks brushed against each other, making his breath hitched and looked away as I finally got ahold of the seatbelt. I quickly fastened it around him and went back to my seat, coughing slightly.

Okay, it was super awkward.

He didn't say much on the first five minutes of us driving out of the neighborhood but he keeps looking over the side mirror to glance at me, I guess? I just focus my eyes on the road actually then I realized it was so quiet. I tried to scan my eyes on the dashboard. Aha.

Do you mind if I plug my phone to the aux cord?" I asked, pulling my phone out of my pocket. It took me several begging until Lucy gave it back to me.

He shrugged his shoulders as he continues to drive. "Go ahead."

I hummed as I scroll through my playlists, clicking on one. "You know Queen, right?" I asked as '39 started playing. (cue Roger's falsetto ~)

"Who doesn't know Queen?" He responded, beaming. I swear his smile can light up the whole room and I would pay for him to just smile like that all day.

I didn't say anything and just smiled back to him, resting my back against the car seat and shut my eyes off. I don't know why but I feel like sleeping. Everything about this is calming my nerves. Brian May's voice, his presence beside me. God, his presence.

"Hey you didn't answer my question!" I sat up and slap his arm lightly, earning myself a giggle from him.

"I thought you wouldn't ask—"

"I asked earlier!"

"Oh, well we're here."

"Um what?"

"Come on." He quickly shut the car engine off as soon as the parked on the sidewalk, under the shade of this large tree. I ran my eyes around the place and though I know we're still around Hyde Park, this is unfamiliar. It looks peaceful though and I can see several people walking.

He knocks on the door beside me and I gasped, clutching my hand against my chest. Ben opened the door and grabs me by my wrist. "It's fine. We're not lost. We're here." He said calmly and soothing. Who could resist that, I mean?

I sighed and let him drag me out of the car and we head towards this cliff, I backed out quickly when I saw how deep it was.

"Woah whoa hold the fuck up—"

𝐎𝐥𝐝-𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 | 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚣𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.Where stories live. Discover now