𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 | "..𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍."

409 22 50


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Joey 💞
I love you.
Received 09:21

Reading the text Joe sent me made my heart flutter and my stomach churn in every positive feeling possible. It's hard not to fall for him even more with everything he does. Even if sometimes he thinks it doesn't matter or it doesn't affect me in the slightest bit.

In reality, he could beat me down and I will surrender myself to him. He's like the kryptonite, in a good way. I couldn't just wait to have him close to me again and make him feel all the love he deserves.

I was about to reply when my door swung open, revealing Rami and Gwilym. I didn't notice them with the blinds covering the windows so my room was so dark. I screamed, grabbing my gun under my pillow and aimed it.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up!" Gwilym yelled back, raising his hands up to his head. "It's us!"

Rami screamed with him, jumping on the bed to lock both of my wrists against the bedrest. "Put that down! Put the gun down, Benjamin!"

"Goddamn it guys, learn how to knock!" I retorted, leaning against the bed until Rami let go of my hands. I put the gun back and shot up in a sitting position.

"Learn how to lock doors too." Gwilym scoffed, launching himself beside me. "Did you know?"

"Did I know what?"

"I think we should tell him."

"Tell me what?"

"Tell him Rami."

"No you tell him."

"You're the oldest!"

"But you're most talkative!"

"Guys!" I yelled again, stopping these two before they could start fighting physically. Rami looked at me with hi large puppy eyes.

"Fine! I'll tell him."

"Thank you, Ram." Gwilym pat his shoulder and returned to his current position. They're acting weird (as if they aren't weird to start with) but I know something happened. I'm starting to panic inside but I know if it's about Joe they would have forgotten to tell me cause they're going to haunt whoever caused him trouble.

"We've got reports this morning that Joe's dad went to their house—" shit.

"What the fuck?! What are we still doing here?!" I kicked off the blanket that is currently covering half of my body and got out of the completely. "Where is Joe?!"

"Darling, you might want to calm down I'm not finished yet."

"How can I calm down?!"

"Stay!" Gwilym tugged me back to the bed, locking my waist with both of his legs wrapped around me. "Continue."

Rami furrowed his brows but proceeded anyway. "So yeah. He was looking for Joe but his sister and Mom didn't let let see Joe that easy. Lucy has spoken with Mary and she said that Joe shot their dad in the head."

My mouth agape along with my widened eyes hearing the news, covering my mouth with my hand. "What the hell—  is he.. is he dead..?"

The boys nodded in unison and Rami didn't have to talk further. That's all I have to know. Gwilym began tapping his finger on his thigh as I kept quiet. He's probably in jail now.

Whether it's a self-defense motive, he still need to go under investigation to prove his innocence. I started mumbling incoherent words until I felt an arm wrapping around my now collapsing body, it was Gwilym. I never realized that I was crying until they've told me that it'll be okay. That they all need to answer all the police's interrogation everything should be fine because they all have records of his dad abusing not only his mother but his siblings too.

But I couldn't stop myself from crying after all the soothing words my friends say, I'm crying for Joe and crying because he doesn't deserve any of this. He's such a sweet person, so caring and genuine. "Where can we see him?" I asked after finally calming down.

Rami sighed loudly. "Well, we're actually here to pick you so we can pick Joe and bring him home." He's still sassy and it's causing me to smile a little.

"Alright. Let me just fix myself." I pulled away from Gwilym's hug and muttered a soft thank you. They've been so helpful to me for the past weeks and it felt like they've known me forever. This is something I'd never had before. I never had friends because of my odd likings. They either call me outdated or old-fashioned. It didn't affect me before but as I grow older, people would actually pick one because of it.

I just love how Rami, Gwilym and Lucy had the same taste of music as me. Not much unlike how Joe loves old songs as me but atleast they don't judge me. They felt like a family I used to have. I timidly smiled. Nana must've love them as much as Grannie Kash loves us.

"Come on?" I found them in the kitchen when I went downstairs. They aren't in my room anymore after I changed clothes and now they're rummaging through my drawers.

"I love your house!" Rami squealed. "It's like I'm in one of the Stranger Things houses."

"Stranger Things?"

"Don't mind him, we better get going!" Gwilym stepped in between and drag us both outside. After I locked the door, Rami insisted we use Gwilym's car because it's literally infront us of and the tall can't argue anymore. I decided to take the backseat while Rami took the front.

They said the ride would take atleast an hour, I've told him I don't mind. Thanked God none of them start a fight when Gwilym plugged his phone on the aux cord, Mayday Parade started playing.

I just remembered what I was about to do before these two idiots trespassed my house. I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket.

To Joey 💞
I love you, Joseph.
Sent 10:14 ✓

I couldn't wait to see his pretty face again.

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