𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞 | "𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝙻𝚎𝚎𝚌𝚑?"

443 23 27


I didn't mean to do it, well— I kind of want to BUT NOT TO INTENTIONALLY KILL HIM MY GOODNESS WHAT I HAVE DONE.

"Joe, hey.. calm down. You're talking your thoughts out loud again." Mary had her hand patting my back as she speak. We've been like this for almost an hour now since we got here in the police station. Mom is already talking to the cops about what happened but my mistake is that I've told them it was me.

Mary said that didn't sound pleasant to the police's end.

What do they want me to say, that I accidentally snapped the trigger and it went straight to my father's eye?! I know what I did, but I want them to know why I did that. He's going to shoot me and if I didn't tug the fucking gun out of his hand he would've shot my sister in the face then me.

I can't handle that anymore.

They said he's still alive, which I'm baffling if I should be thankful or not. But atleast he had to do jail time when proven guilty. Yeah no shit, he is fucking guilty. He could've had break my sister's pretty face.

"Joe, you are creeping me out." Mary mumbled and I've only realized I was talking my thoughts out loud— which only happens if I'm nervous.

"Sorry, it's just.." I sighed and just launch myself to her, gratefully she was attentive enough to catch me into her arms or else I will fall off the bench and land on the ground, face first.

Mary mentioned she spoke to Lucy and brought the news. And knowing Lucy, she must've told the guys and before I know it they're already on their way here.

That means I can see my boyfriend's face again.

"Ben the bitch hasn't replied to me." I whispered, clutching myself closer to my older sibling.

"They took our phones for the investigation, remember?" Shit, I forgot. "And don't call your boyfriend a bitch."

"He's a bitch. My bitch. My British bitch." I don't know what I'm talking about actually, I'm blabbering words. Then I remember, they had to sedate me earlier. "What did they inject me?"

"That is for you to calm down but I'm not sure what exactly it was. You're sleepy?" I nodded and yawn loudly, I'm just exaggerating things to get more attention.

My sister nodded and ask one of the cops where I should be taken to put on rest. I feel exhausted and I could really use a couple hours of sleep until Ben arrives. I must look good for him, god I look shit.

But he should love me still even if I look shit.

I was brought into a room with a small bed. It looks boring but I couldn't care less. All I need is a place to sleep and bet your sweet ass I've fallen into some sort of coma when my body hit the mattress.


I was awaken by several voices around. My first thought was it is all just a dream and everything about now is reality. But the voices are not yelling at one another, I can't hear any breaking of glasses. They are in fact, whispering to each other.

"How long do we need to wait? He's been sleeping for hours!"

"Lower your voice down, Gwil."

"I will slap him no—"

"Rami no!"

I immediately shot my eyes open after confirming it was my friends' voices. Rami had his hand already aiming to slap me while Gwilym holds his wrist. Lucy in the other hand was pulling him away by his waist.

"Joe!" They all screamed in unison and attacked me with a hug. My throat is sore that all I could do is hug back. I missed these idiots so much and it's been just a couple of days.

𝐎𝐥𝐝-𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 | 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚣𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.Where stories live. Discover now