𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 | "𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐!"

604 28 16


Rami suspiciously rushed outside with his phone when it beeped, followed by Lucy, Gwilym and Sami while I was left alone in the kitchen doing the dishes.

We're at Boynton's residence as per Grannie Kash's request because she insisted on preparing us lunch today. I heard them yelling at each other followed by Lucy screaming in a high-pitched tone that even Granny Kash got concerned.

"Rami, stop that!"

Grannie walked up to me, placing her hand over my shoulder that stoked me a bit. "Is everything okay? I heard Lucy screamed Rami's name and I am highly concerned."

"Don't worry Nana, if Lucy will ever scream our name it's because we're doing something stupid." I assured her with a smile.

"Oh you boys!" She chuckled, taking a seat. "How are you doing, love?"

No, not again.

"I'm doing great Nana?" The statement ended up sounding like a question towards myself, which is true because sometimes I just really don't know what's the answer to that. Sometimes I'm okay, like genuinely okay and there are times that I'm not okay. But that not okay is categorized into two - not okay I need sleep or not okay I need to isolate myself. Then sometimes I just, I just don't know.

Maybe neutral?

I heard Grannie sighed behind me. "I heard some boy caught your attention?"

"W-what?" I didn't have to turn around and see what her face is. I can picture it inside my head just by the way she said what she said. Jesus Christ Rami.

"We're back, darlings! What did we miss?" And speaking of the devil.

"What happened back there?" I chimed in before Grannie even does because I don't want to talk about it. Not now that it's been a week since I've got to talk to him.

I don't even have his phone number! And he doesn't have Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, makes me think that he's really an old-fashioned kind of guy.

I didn't mention a name but you know who is it, don't you?

"Oh, you'll know." I heard Rami replied followed by Lucy slapping his shoulder so hard.

"You bastard!"


"Enough." Gwilym cut off before it escalate to something more. "But you might wanna check your phone." He mumbled as he occupy the space next to Grannie.

"I will leave you children here, lock the front door if you decide on going out." She said before leaving us four alone. We all nodded and say our goodbyes to her because we all know she's going to take her afternoon nap before she visit the restaurant later.

"So." I started off, staring the remaining people in the kitchen and I'm directly staring at Rami. Sami shrugged then grab the apple from the table.

"Rami gave your number to someone I don't know that's why Lucy screamed." He stated, leaving us and went towards the living room.

My mouth agape along side my eyes widened. "What the fuck?"

"Check your goddamn phone, Joseph!" Gwilym shouted, throwing my phone across the table aiming me. Good fucking thing I catched it with my hands or else I would need to beat the shit out of my friend.

"Fuck you!"

"Go! Go check!" Rami pushed the phone further up my chest, agitated.

I eyed-asking Lucy what the hell is happening and she clearly gave up, rolling her eyes at me and followed Sami to the other room whose now watching Adventure Time.

Rami snapped his fingers to my face. "Open the phone or I would need to do for you, dear. The love of your life is waiting!"

"The wh-" I've decided to check my phone and there's one message. Sami must be right. "How could you give my number to a stranger?!"

"He's not a stranger and you would love to know who is it." Gwilym was obviously excited too but he's better at hiding it than Rami.

"I swear to- oh my."

Hey, buddy.
Received 10:30

"Who's this?!" I showed the two my phone with the message plastered on the screen. Both of them giggle and told me to reply. I don't like where is this going.

Who is this?
Sent 10:40 ✓

"Oh my god it's Ben!" I slapped Rami's arm repeatedly as I squealed, Gwilym clapping his hands like a walrus beside me.

"See, he is no stranger!" Rami said and I was brought back to reality. I slapped his arm one more time and it might've hurt because he said "ouch!"

"Why did you give him my number?! Did you force him?!" I grabbed him by his collar and shake him vigorously, Gwilym had to pull me off from Rami because I could choke him to death right now.

"No! I didn't! He texted me asking for a favor so I called him and asked what's wrong. He said he wants your number." Actually I already know how Ben got my number and proved Rami is saying the truth because I asked him already through text. Wait what.

"You have his phone number all along?!"

"I gave him mine in the park so he's obligated to give his." Rami said nonchalantly, as if saying to my face I should've done the same thing first.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are fucking up with- holy shit."

Lovely! Would you like to accompany me today?
Received 10:74

"What? What?" Gwilym snatched my phone off my hand to read the text by himself. Lucy and Sami gathered back in the kitchen to see it too and I'm too shocked to even move.

Holy fuck did he just asked me on a date-

"Oi, whipped!" Gwilym snapped my head slightly to wake me up from the daydream I'm already having.

"Aw!" I yelped in pain, his hand is too large and heavy I feel like I've broken my neck. "Give it back!" I snatched my phone from Rami's hand before he could even type and ran away from the kitchen, sending a quick reply to Ben who's probably waiting for so long now.

Sorry, Gwil snatched my phone. Yeah sure. Where we heading to?
Sent 10:55 ✓

I felt something poked my side and I squeaked, glaring at whoever did it and it's Lucy with her smirk and teasing tone. "The little boy's getting himself a boyfriend~" she teased in a singing manner, attempting to poke my side again but I swat it away.

"Stop! It's not a date!" I'm blushing so hard you could compare me to a ripe tomato now and my friends teasing me about it doesn't help. I can feel my cheeks burning.

My phone beeped.

"Gotcha!" Lucy snatched it off my hand.

"Lucy!" I tried but I was too late, the bastards were reading the text and before I knew it, my phone was back in my hands.

You'll know. I'll pick you up later around 2?
Received 10:59

That's alright! I'll see you x
Sent 11:00 ✓

"Guys what the fuck?!"

𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲. :›

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