𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | " 𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐. "

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Again, for the second time this week I woke up rather earlier than usual. It is Wednesday and I came into the realization that I need to come pick Ben up and have him meet Rami. It almost took me five minutes to convince myself into getting up and taking a shower. I even bumped into Gwilym who just got out of it, obviously because he had a towel wrapped around his head.

"Morning." I mumbled as I grab my towel from the washer. I don't think he'd realized it was me so he casually said "morning too" back before I saw his eyes widened in confusion.

"Fuck mate, you're awake?" He asked before I close the bathroom door.

"I don't sleepwalk you twat." I responded, hitting the shower knob on. The water immediately hit my already bare skin and I jumped slightly. I should've turn the heater on.

I heard Gwilym snicker a few more times about how strange it is that he didn't have to wake me up today. That I must've high or something, which I think is fucking ridiculous. I'm not always sleeping in too much! There are few moments that my habit had gotten us in trouble like for our high school graduation.

"Shut up or I will go out here and smack you." I warned him but it's too late. I'm guessing he's already downstairs and preparing our food.

The weather's bit cloudy but there ain't no chance of raining as per the news, pretty perfect for a walk. I put on my favourite shirt which is a Jurrasic Park merch with tight pants and some black converse. I came downstairs to meet Gwilym who's busy making breakfast. I grabbed the camera from the divider and slip it over my neck.

"What did Lucy feed you yesterday?" I heard him ask, still busy cooking.

"Some curry and rice?" I said, taking my usual seat. I can already smell the eggs from my place and I am starving. "Why'd you ask?"

He hummed as he turn around, putting down a plate of omelette and some roasted vegetables in front of me. "Didn't know curry will make you less of a lazy ass." He chuckled and got to his seat.

I gasped and reach out for his arm, smacking it. "How dare you!" I said, furrowing my brows. "I always wake up on time!"

"Yeah sure." He nodded without even taking his eyes off his plate. I snickered and began munching onto my food as well.

Silence fell while we eat, well you can hear me chewing my food because I'm a baby. Gwilym finished first, taking his plate to the sink and I heard the water started running. Yes he's already washing the dishes he used. "So where are you heading up today?"

I shrugged my shoulders and toss my dirty plate to the sink as well, giving him a cheeky grin as a sign to have him clean mine too. He just groaned and took over it.

"I'm going to pick Ben-"

"Whoa whoa slow down!" He dramatically turned to face me, his hands filled with bubbles and he had his eyebrow raised. He looks like a grumpy mom, that made me chuckle. "You're taking him on a date already?"

"What- no! What the fuck?" I shook my head furiously and walked towards the door. "I'm taking him to Rami!" Then I proceeded on telling him what happened before he got home.

Gwilym just nodded in understanding. "Oh. I see." And went back to what he's doing.

I was about to exit the house when I heard him yell.

"Don't do anything stupid, Joseph!"

"Yes, mom!" I yelled back and ran outside, letting me door hit close with a loud bang. I brushed my hair with my fingers before heading straight to Ben's.

𝐎𝐥𝐝-𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 | 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚣𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘.Where stories live. Discover now