Chapter 3

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i stepped into action immediantly. "someone get carlise!" i scream as i sat down by jake. he was holding his head, which was bleeding very heavily. "bella i am fine" he whispered and i shook my head. "you are not fine. not even close" i told him, shivering.

alice had ran off to get Carlise so i didn't have to worry.

"mommy is he okay?" nessie asked sitting beside me. tears were streaking down her face and i sighed. "he will be." "no he has to now!" she said, shaking her head and falling back, crying. "jake please say something." she whispered. "nessie...i love you," he said and i flinched back. "jake!" i snapped at him, tempted to hit him, but then carlise appeared. "jake are you okay?" carlise asked, looking at his head before fixing up the wound with a towlet. "just rest for a moment"

Carlise disappeared and I sighed. alice came back to my side and whispered," edward woke up. he doesn't know anything about us. we have to jog his memory."  i watched her and shook my head. "what about nessie?" i aksed, looking at her. 'she will be fine come on." she said taking my hand and pulling me up the stairs as quickly as possible

when we reached the room and she had opened the door, edward was sitting on the bed. "all right now who is she?" he asked, watching me. instead of his normal scent, he smelt like...blood. he never would he ever.

"i am you remember me" i asked begining to panic. "no i am sorry" he replied. "alice...i need to talk to you," i told her taking her wrist. I race out of the room and pulled alice with me. "he has a pulse!" i snapped, my eyes showing tears that were about to fall. "i know that was what i saw. they turned him human"

i shook my head and fell to my knees. "he can't be" i muttered, a shivering moving over me. "he has to." "what if he gets older looking?" i asked confuion. "that won't happen. unless the future changes." she told me with a shrug. "how will we get his memory back?" i asked. "by jogging it." she replied.

i nodded and opened the door again after a deep breath. "you are edward." i said slowly and he smiled. "yes that is what that alice girl told me." he said with a shrug. "and my husband" i added gently. "woo there horse, i barely know you" he pointed out. i sighed and moved toward the door. "we have a daughter named renesmee..." i began and then an idea moved into my mind. "renesmee!" i say racing down the stairs.

nessie was nestled under jake's arm and sighing. "you will be okay" she was telling him and carlise was fixing the bandage right over everything and cleaning up the floor. "nessie?" i asked her, stopping at her side. "daddy's memory needs to be jogged. could you..." i started and she just watched me wide eyed. "momma...i am not sure" she mummbled.

"sweety why ever not?" i asked her, confused. "because i am sad right now. how about tomorrow?" she asked and i sighed and agreed. "jake you can sleep in the guest bedroom. carlise could you..." i started, but jasper appeared then with emmett. "we will" jasper said then used his power to make me calm down a bit.

i nodded and moved to alice again. "alice, nessie will do it, but we have to wait till tomorrow" i told her and alice nodded. "all right edward needs to sleep alone tonight" she told me and i silently agreed. i took the other guest bed even though i wouldn't be sleeping, only edward. i could still smell his fragrence but i was unsure if i wanted to drink his blood. i was the shield remember?

i sat on my bed and thought about edward and how he could get better....


when light broke through, i heard a yawn from two rooms down. one had to be nessie which was down stairs. i sigh and raced downstairs to find she had woken up. "mom i am ready" she told me, her head ragged and messy. "you sure?" i asked and all i got as a responce was a nod

we went up to his room and i opened the door. "edward?" i asked. he yawned again and looked over at me. "weird girl is back" he said frowning. when his mouth opened i had to keep from gasping. no fangs.

nessie walked to hed his arm.hed his arm. she filled him with all the memory she knew. even added one time when she saw us kissing i guess becaus his face turned shocked.

when it was over edwaard looked to me. "you are,,," he began and i nodded racing to hima dn hugging him. slowly he hugged me back

"how? how can i not remember:" he asked. "they killed you and then brought you back as a human. you lost your memory..."

he kissed me softly and whispered,"you are thirsty." i didn't know he knew that at first but then again my eyes were red and my stomach growled. "here" he said exposing his neck to me. "edwad i can't" i said shaking my head. "you can" he told me. "no, i am bound not to. and i am a sheild" i say as i backed away from him. i had to say though, he smelt good.

"nessie go get something to eat" i told her, turning my full on attention to her. "but i want to talk to daddy" she protested, but i pointed out the room. "fine" she muttered walking away. edward took my hand and kissed it. "you could change me again" he said.

"no i can't" said i. i knew if i even tried something bad could happen. "get carlise to do it" i added with a long sigh.

"i want you to" he said to me but i just shook me head. "no" i myttered walking out the door. derek was there watching me. "so edward is okay right?" he asked me and i nodded slowly. "sorry about earlier. how about i make it up to you. we can go on a mini hunt" he whispered in my ear. no one seemed to be near so i nodded

he took my hand and lead me to an open window. he dropped down then opened his arms. "i won't steal you this time. you had ruined my cottage" he said. i smiled and jumped down into his arms. he put me down easily and took me to an open field. i instantly sniffed for an elk. or a deer.

"the best are boars" he whispered to me and i giggled unexpectantly. "but i am not a big eater" i said and raced to a doe. i took it by the neck and gently soothed it bfore i burried my fangs into its scruff. when i had had my share, i lied the doe down gently and let it mend on it s own. i didn't want to kill the animals i ate from.

"on we go" i said after i saw that he was finaished. i was heading back toward the house when he caught me by the elbow. "i am sorry" he said to me, looking me in the eye. i looked up at him and puckered my lips. "i know" i said teasingly, but before i knew it he was leaning down. our lips were just about to lock when he changed gear and kissed my cheek. "not yet. i don't think i am the best guy" he said and i knew i was somewhat with a pouty expression.

"bella what did you jsut do!?" alice yelled.

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