Chapter 11

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Of course me and jasper don't have the tightest relationship but we have something. He used to be the youngest changed vampire for crying out loud! Until I took his place that is....

I looked around helplessly before I jump for jasper. "Stop!" I said my voice fairly high. He was intent on his prey and I could tell Jessica was scared

Jasper flung past me and pinned Jessica to the wall. before I could reach him Jane was there, wrenching him away. "jasper stop! Jasper stop" she said but he was fighting her off. I saw a hesitant look in her eyes and I knew what was going to happen before it did. Jane kissed jasper desperately on the lips no matter the height difference.

This made me miss Edward and want to be with him again. Of course he would be pissed with me tho...

Alice was there at my side before I knew it. "Jas oh could you?" She blurted. I noticed tears in her eyes and before I could even comfort her she was on the move.

I slumped to the ground feeling bad. I was thinking so much about myself that I forgot the issue

Jane pulled back shock registering on her face. "Oh Alice" she whispered guilty shaking her head.

I was beginning to feel light headed and in need of assistance. I would have been okay, if it hadn't been for Nessie coming to me. "Mom" she whispered worry shiny in her eyes. "Aunt Alice" she added nodding to the door.

I knew what she wanted before she even touched me. a picture was sent again of Jane and jasper kissing. "She is upset" she told me

I nod and stood up. "I know" I say my voice a shaky rasp

Despite my shaky breath I ran after Alice. My bulge of a stomach wasn't helping matters. I wanted to puke my guts up but that would help nothing.

I continued to run outside but I would give out soon. I began I stumble a lot and trip over my own feet. Soon I was tumbling down ad down I was only caught by a set of hands...

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