Chapter 4

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"i didn't do anything" i muttered moving away from derek immediantly. "he...i....uh..." i started, but i was inable to finish. "how could you do that to edward?" alice asked, poking my head and frowning. "go home. now" she added, nodding toward the house. for once, i was mad with alice. i had had enough. "no" i said, anger flooding through me. "go now bella" she ordered me, pointing once more. "i won't" i snapped at her and that earned me a pinning to the ground. "you have to!" she snapped at me, hitting me gently. "go!" she added with a grimace. "no" i said stubbornly. finally she dug her hands into my stomach and hissed. "bella go now" she said, getting off of me easily and pushing me forard. "i said no!" i scream.

alice then attacks me, pressing me up against the wall. "go home bella!" she yeleld in my ear, but again i refused. she pulled on my hair, making it tear and quich. "go home to edward" she snapped at me in a menacing tone. "or i will tell him" she added her eyes and mouth skewered. "i did nothing wrong" i muttereed wth a long sigh. she refused to let me go, but then derek came and pried her from me. "you, leave bella alone" he said, pressing her up against the wlal. "i kissed her" he added, giving me an encouraging gaze.

i gladly took the chance and ran off into the distance. i didn't know where i was going or when i would get there, but my subconcious did. i made it to the house in a minute maximum. i opened the door and raced forward, my mind blank. nessie was by jacob, kissing him gently to get himt o sleep. i contoinued until i entered edward's room. "i read your mind" he said to me. i had had my shield down all night just to see if he could hear and forgot to put it on. "i am not mad but shocked" he added, taking my hand. "did you want to kiss him?" he asked. "i know he has something i could never give again"

"edward don't say that" i told him, gasping with shockness. "that is bullshit" i added, kissing him. "you are my everything" i murmur. he smiled at me and kissed my nose. "well then you are my whole life, my world. me" he said, to me. i nestled into his chest and whispered,"it is my turn to me the vampire and you be my human. my hostage. my world when i know i could hurt you" he chuckled and hugged me to him gently. "i love you bella cullen" he murmured in my ear and i sighed contently. "you do?" i asked. "mmmmhmmm" he mummbled.

i kissed him before everything slowly drawled to blackness.


i was awake beside edward, smiling. "edward?" i asked, knowing i had kept him up most the might. "sleep," i added, pulling the cover up to his chin. "i don't want to" he said, laughing softly. "please do" i murmured. he nodded an agreement as he closed his eyes.

i walked down the stairs and smiled when i saw nessie. "want to eat?" i asked, noticing jane was sitting a bit of ways away from then. "sure mom i am starving how about you jake?" nessie said. "yea i could use some food" he replied.

"two omlets coming up" i said, wlaking to the kitchen and heating the oven. i smile when i see derek and he smiles back. "make that three?" he asked me a smirk on his face. "will you eat one?" i asked, shockin illuminating my face. yes we could eat regular food, but i preferred our normal diet. "yea of course" derek said to me. i smiled and put the first egg into the skillet. "all right" i say, moving it around. "nessie likes pork and bacon with hers. chopped up. can you get that?" i asked him. derek nodded and moved to the fridge, grabbing it. "here we are" he said, taking out the pork first and choppoing it into fine thin layers.

"what do you like with yours?" i asked, making it an omlet shape as i wait for the pork and bacon to be ready. "hm...jalopenos" he told me, handing me the two substances, finely cute. "that was fast" i commented. "and get them then," i added, using half of the things for nessie, the other would be for jake. i put the eg in half after teh pork and bacon was in the middle and heard it sizzle. i waited a moment before getting a plate and putting it on it. "next up" i said, taking another egg and doing the smae for jake's.

when i finished theirs, i called out,"omlets are ready!" the two came in as wuickly as ever. they took their plates with huge grins. i finished up derek's and gave it to him before turning off the stoe. "there we are" i murmur.

he smiles down at me and before i know it was lean it. he had a bite of egg hanging halfway out of his mouth and i took it and bit down lightly, taking a bite and swallowing. we looked into each other's eyes before we kissed. it meant nothing at first until i pulled awya. i kissed him. i had a husband. what was i doing?!

"i have to..." i started and he nodded as i left. "bella..." alice started. i hadn't noticed when she had come in but i should have., " i am so so so sorry" she told me, pulling me into a hug which i accepted. "i am too" i told her with a long sigh. i then check the clock and my calendar on my phone. "three days to go before we are leaing" i murmured, shaking my head.

nessie looked at me wsth wide eyes. "we are really leaing?" she asked me as if i were the bad guy. "we can't" she added with a long whimper. "nessie we have to" i told her. "but...fine" she muttered, walking away weith her omlet. like a lost puppy, jake foollowed.

rosalie walked over to me and said "before we leave, we are having a leaving party. want to invite your old friends?" i was surprised, but i nodded. "yes of course. i will call jessica and mike and angela" i said. "all right, you do that" she said to me, hugging me.

i smile before quickly going to ther phone and dyling the numbers. "can i invite a girl nearby?" nessie called back to me. "sure why not!" i yelled back. "because...she is...a vampire hunter..." nessie whispered slowly.

"oh no..." i grumbled under myh breath,

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