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Song: Firefly by Ed Sheeran


It was dark, the whole room was filled with shadows of the objects around me.

My eyes were processing the events that took place.

How I ended up here.

A big ass grin plastered on my face.

I'm with Waves. This is her room.

The air had this mist scent of joy to it.

It's been a while since I woke up this happy. I guess the stressful job and the not so ideal family matters were stressing me out.

I take notice of the little head that is barely peeking out of the covers. Waverly is pressed up against me.

Her arms pressed to my belly.

I'm holding on to her as if the moment I let go the fantasy ends.

Her legs tangled in mine, and her warm breathing on my chest is tickling me.

Her legs tangled in mine, and her warm breathing on my chest is tickling me

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Her hair is all over the place.

God she has hair for days. I love it.

I lean in and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

I've always been an early riser.

Always get up to do some exercise.

The job demands me to be in peak condition.

It's got to be like 5am.

I don't need to be in the station for another 2 hours so I can enjoy this for a while longer.

I lay on my back and bring her with me.

 She's still fast asleep and by what I've gotten to notice when I come to visit her early, she wakes up late.

My hands bring her to rest on top of me and I start doing little circles on her lower back.

My hands bring her to rest on top of me and I start doing little circles on her lower back

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