Take you beyond the colors

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Song: Heaven by Emilee Flood 


2 years later...

At its core, the meaning of the life we have isn't about possessions or how much you have in your bank account. Don't get me wrong, the money is necessary. Especially if you want a roof over your head. But the essence of the life we have should be measured in all the meaningful moments that construct us as a whole. Taking in that if you only shine a light on your past mistakes and your past remorse all your life's perfect moments will be dimed. Thus if you ask me where I would be at this moment if  I wouldn't have taken that random Job offer in the middle of nowhere. I really can't picture my life in any other scenario. 

The shiny ring revolving around my left finger takes me back to that late evening when some horny cop stumbled into a bar. That two lives clashed that day never to return to the normality that they once knew. It was around our one year anniversary that she brought the topic of babies. We had just moved into a property that was designed mostly by Waves and constructed on a field not far from their old family home. 


My thoughts are brought to earth by that "angel" that lately has turned into miss I eat everything and anything. She's like the human version on Kirby every time she hollers me to bring her something. But I still pamper the shit out of her. 

"Ouch!!!" a fat drop of hot coffee I was just pouring sizzled my skin.

I put the vegan waffles covered with fruits and some syrup in a tray so I can take it to little miss nags a lot. The house isn't huge but it's darn near perfect. The open layout makes everything melt together seamlessly. I maneuver my way through the living room and down the hall where miss I eat a lot is located.

She sits in the middle of the bed. Only her torso coming out of the blankets. Her belly bump just barely visible. Her face stares at the TV resting at the wall. Her features look young today. A girl at the dawn of womanhood. I've studied her face for longer periods of time that it should be allowed. Her eyebrows creased a little as she seems to be questioning what's happening in the show and suddenly her face turns to me and lights up the room with that soul-crushing smile.

"Madam here we have a proper Angel breakfast with a side of my lips to sweeten your coffee. Would you be  requiring anything else?" She absolutely hates when I act like her servant.

"That was the worst English accent ever babe" She says as I move some of her so many blankets out the way to plaster my body to hers. She's almost 8 months into the prego state. So her belly is a lot bigger. She munches her way through the breakfast I just brought her not even bothered to share some with me. 

As she finished it I continue to annoy her acting like I'm her butler. Setting the plates down at the floor. She caresses my hair as I place my ear right in front of her belly.

"It sounds like the bottom of the ocean in there," I say and she laughs. Her big belly moving along with it. I push off the nightgown she had on to kiss her warm stomach. I stop for a moment. Waverly Earp is the most beautiful baby momma in the world. Her warm eyes find mine.

"You're beautiful," I say to her looking up from her belly.

"Right now I look like a whale Nicole." Her fingers caress my hair slowly. 

"You are a beautiful whale you know that" her lips curve in the most seductive way possible. She lowers just enough to peck my lips once. 

"Well, I don't really think having this bump will make anyone want to fuck me" I look at her for a moment. 

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