Getting her out!

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The cold winter air filled my lungs and body shivered as we hiked for the thousands of time to the stairs where Waverly was last scene. We've tried everything. From sorcery to plane stupidity like hope. Ok, that last one was really harsh but trying to understand how a person can disappear through a portal that was meant to save a city was a big cup of tea to chug down. 

The leaves under our feet continue to crackle as our winter boots battled their way up that dreadful hill.

"Any outstanding ideas for today?" I look over my shoulder to Waynona but her eyes are distant. We haven't been on "peaceful" terms ever since Waves disappeared. It's been more than a year but I still hurt. I hurt for the fact that they drugged me and left me there when I could've helped. It kind of felt like I was an add on but never part of the pieces of the puzzle. Made me feel more like I didn't belong and I know that things went down so fast none of them could do anything about it. But that's the thing. Why did I end up in this town?

It's too easy to just assume your life is set up in a way that no matter how you alter it life will always end up the same way. Makes no sense. People change. Life around people change. We're here one day and the next we're not. 

Waverly made me think there was more than just Nicole  the cop after all. But this time I've just started to feel like it was all a lie.

"Stop it the negative vibes sasquatch" I look over my shoulder to observe Wynonna for the first time today. Her hair seems like a birds nest that fell from the tree and was left for the elements. Her eyes look sunken and I can tell that like me she hasn't slept for months thinking about how to get them back. 

She's carrying the sword that Waves left her and I instinctively roll my finger over the ring Waverly left me. It was Julian's ring. A ring meant for her protection. Not mine. A ring that could've saved her. But instead, she proposed without even giving me a chance to say a proper yes her face.

After a few more hills we get to the stairs. Bricks dusted with a white delicate layer of snow continues on to a door. But we haven't even been able to touch so much as the stairs. There's like an invisible force field that protects the entrance.



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"Doc where exactly are we going?" I follow him as the small town that looks a heck of a lot like Purgatory raises in the dark horizon. 

"A shot a whiskey from Shorty's wouldn't be a bad start to this shit show. Don't you think?"

"We're in a life or death situation here and all you can think about is drinking?!" Doc just raises his shoulders and gives me a dismissive smile.

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