Brunching All The Time

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Emily Andras: "I feel like Wayhaught has been in the brunching stage of their life."

Dom/Kat *confused look* the crowd screaming

Dominique: "Is brunch a term for SEX?!"

Crowd: "YESSSSS"


Phone call

Jeremy :"You don't have to bring anything it's a Super Casual BGD"

Robin: "BGD?"

Jeremy: "Yeah Robi, Big Gay Dinner, DUHHH"

Robin: "Oh. But are you sure you don't want me to bring something? I feel like we should bring them a gift or something..."

Jeremy: "Nah Waverly is a great host"

(Couple of hours before the BGD 💕)



The homestead smells delicious. I don't know what Waves is doing in the kitchen but damn me my baby girl can cook.

We're having diner with Jeremy and his boyfriend Robi. I'm so glad everything worked out for them. Everyone deserves a chance to love.

Talking about love.

I just entered the door to the homestead after my shift. I was a bit tired but I see Waves in the kitchen and my energies are replenished.

She has her back to me and by the looks of it, she is oblivious to my presence here.

Waverly's is moving her hips to the rhythm of the music playing from her phone on the speakers.

The song... Toxic by Britney. I'm laughing internally. We definitely have different tastes in music.

She keeps shaking that booty and holy hell. I swear I heard one of my ovaries drop when she shook her core like that.

I'm leaning on the door frame just looking at her. She's too concentrated on chopping some vegetables to notice me.

 She's too concentrated on chopping some vegetables to notice me

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I gasp when I feel two hands wrap around my waist. I know it's her. My body reacts to her the instant she touches something on it.

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