Let's leave Highschool behind us eh? (17)

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Author's Note:

Sorry for the long, long and painful wait, I've been in la la land (and not in a good one)

Anyways, enjoy! (don't forget to vote)

-the velvet rose-



“The maid lost my contacts, so now I have to wear my glasses for a week until I get new ones”

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

“It makes you look smarter” She commented.

I sighed.

We pulled up to the campus, and I got extremely nervous when I saw Aaron’s car beside us..


It was a good thing that he wasn’t in his car, because I would have gone all Bruce Lee on his butt for breaking up with me over my phone.

I haven’t even seen or heard from him since then, which was my fault because I was hiding from him.

I wonder what HE did for spring break? I shook my head at the thought. I didn’t want to know.

“Sophie, come on!” Rachel groaned.

Okay, so I may have been having her carry my bags because I was having ‘back issues’ from the trip, but I was actually just lazy.

We opened our dorm room and saw… nothing different. Just how we left it. Trashed.

I sat on my bed and started eating licorice, which I then realized had been left out since we left.

Eh, its still good, I decided.

“So, tomorrow we start school...” Rachel murmured.


Casey had gone to her room and Rachel took a nap, leaving me with my TV and blond hair.

(The next day)

I wasn’t sure what I was more surprised about: Rachel having a whole other group of friends I didn’t know about, or that they were geeks with glasses and frizzy hair.

Well, I guess I shouldn’t be talking, because I haven’t showered in four days and have been needing to get new contacts…

Don’t judge a book by its cover, I guess.

I sat with her and her peeps at lunch. I had my hair in a sloppy ponytail and glasses, so I looked like a genius.

“Ew, I thought high school slop was over.” Rachel gagged at the green goop that was supposed to be corn. And why is it green??

“It tastes good actually,” I told her.

“I’ve seen you eat a peanut butter and jalapeño sandwich with hot sauce and blue cheese dressing.”

“And it was incredible,” I defended.

She rolled her eyes, but then she looked surprised.

“Hey Rach.” I recognized Aaron’s voice.

I glanced up at him like a coward, but then I stuffed my mouth full of the green goop. He looked just the same. His hair was the same messy brown hair that I loved, and he had that same rugged look.

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