Bucky and Surprises

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Hello and welcome back to the fifth chapter of Captain Squirtle. Same for the last chapter self-harm and depression triggers are involved but things are about to get intense and dicey for our heroes so enjoy the story.
Bucky and Squirtle were looking at the docks detecting any clues for who could have made this mess. Bottles were scattered on the ground and they were all smashed.

"So Bucky what do you think this mess is?"

"Wait a minute!"

"What are we waiting a minute for?"

"For goodness sake, it's just a figure of speech Squirtle."

"Right totally."

Bucky picked up the small bottle and gasped for what he saw was the same bottle of mixture that made a flock of wild Pidgey's attack him and Squirtle earlier.

"Wait is that the same bottle of stuff that caused the pidgey's to attack us."

"Yes, Squirtle that's what I was trying to tell you all of this time."

"Sorry, I'm used to being the leader of these missions."

"We work together not one person lead the other one."

"Soldier the thing is if that purple chemical was on Steve's desk doesn't that mean that he was responsible for the making of the chemical."

"No, he could have been investigating the mysterious attacks by wild Pokemon."

The two stopped rambling at each other when they heard a strange noise fiddling with a box of bottles. They stepped closer and realised that the weird noise was coming from a Swellow.

"Ugh, what should we do Bucky?"

"Well um I'm certain he might no something about the R Gass and so might his partner so..."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"


The two giggled after shouting in unison, however, luck wasn't on their side as Swellow grabbed a bottle before preparing to fly away back to his partner.

"Ugh, what do we do?!"

"I don't know um Squirt him with water! It's obvious come on!"

"Um, Buck I think my amnesia made me forget how to use my powers."

"Oh great just think about water."

"How's that supposed to help thinking about water will make me wanna pee."

"Then think about your target as you Squirt water from your mouth."

Bucky handed Squirtle a bottle of water letting the Pokemon suck it all up. Squirtle shook nervously not wanting to mess his one shot up.

"One shot aim at your target correctly, picture your mouths the gun and Swellow is the target."

Squirtle blasted water into Swellow's eyes making the bird Pokemon fall to the floor unconscious but luckily Bucky caught the bottle of R Gass just in time.
As soon as Swellow woke up and realised his claw was chained to a small chair he screamed out in anger and furry.


"Ok, you keep quiet, I'll do the talking."

"Ugh Squirtle I don't t-"

"Shhh you can trust me, I'm absolutely sure."

Squirtle stepped forward and glared into the Swellow's eyes showing him the bottle of R Gas.

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