The Lab

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Hi, guys finally back to updating this story again mainly for the archive of our own fans though. This chapter is about to be majorly shocking for our characters so buckle uptight for this heavily intense chapter of Captain Squirtle. Again Mental Health triggers in this chapter.
Bucky rolled around in his bed he was having another nightmare but this one was different. He was back in Avengers headquarters packing up his things ready to leave New York City forever.

Natasha was there but she had a more malicious look on her face and a knife clutched in her hands. Bucky panted in fear knowing that this isn't how the memory went.

"Nat please I can explain."

"Oh, you don't have to Buck, you were gonna abandon me and make my grief even worse. A little birdy even told me that you made me smear my body in blood."

"N-No I didn't mean to be that selfish."

"You meant all of it and now I'm gonna make you share my pain."


Bucky fell to the ground and screamed in pain as Nat slashed his wrist and stabbed him in the neck. The former assassin awoke from his nightmare startled.

Squirtle was screaming and panicking trying to clean the blood of his forehead. He immediately paid his attention to Bucky who's neck was bleeding heavily.

"Ah you're, awake soldier, why did you cut your neck whilst you were asleep."

"I had a nightmare Squirtle and I must have slept walk to get the knife."

"Or you foolishly have a hole draw full of knives next to your bed."

"Fine, I do stuff knives in a draw near me before I go to bed."

"Well, now we're getting rid of them."

"Please don't their my only escape."

"Somehow I understand what you're going through but this is not the way."

"If I bin all the knives I have, accept my combat knife will you leave me alone about this?"

"I pinky promise, which is pretty ironic since my hands aren't human hands."

"That doesn't matter your still promising to keep a promise."

"I know as a soldier is always honourable speaking of which would you like me to tend to your wound?"

"Yes, please I don't want to look like this when we meet the others."

"Well then hold still."

Squirtle grabbed a cloth and cleaned the wound before putting a super-strong plaster over the wound.
Bucky smiled getting into his gear before joining Squirtle for breakfast.
The water Pokemon had miraculously managed to make pancakes and two cups of hot cocoa all by himself.

"How an earth did you do that all by yourself if you have amnesia?"

"I don't know it just came to me like I'd done it before."

"So it's just another one of those miracles from God."

"Or Mewtwo because from what the others told us he seems like the Pokemon version of Jesus."

"Jee wiz that must be the most powerful creature in the universe forget Pokemon."

"Wait for Mara Queen couldn't have been taking orders from a teen?"

"No Harry Osborne was working with Kingpin and that's been proven."

"Yes, Buck, can we talk about the case when we get to the cafe I'm hungry."

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