Chapter Six

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This chapter is a shortie, but the next one will be sooo much longer. Also, I haven't edited that much so sorry for typos and mis-wordings


Archer looked back to see Zativa riding her horse as fast as it would go. She sent her thoughts to his mind,

“GO! Do not slow for me! You must get her to the castle!”

Archer looked forward again as he thought, “Who were they? Or what were they?”

Zativa’s thoughts were...weak. It alarmed Archer. “They were...sucubuses. Demons!”

Archer’s jaw dropped, but he shook his head and thought, “...How? How did they find us? I thought you said they couldn’t...”

Zativa’s thoughts were sharp and loud, making Archer wince. “They were not looking for us! They were after Genevieve! Obviously,” Archer could practically hear Zativa roll her eyes.

He ignored her and thought, “What happened to them? Where are they?”

Zativa’s thoughts were patchy and she couldn’t send them clearly, “...from the...was all they...couldn’”

He looked back to see Zativa fall from her horse. He gasped and nearly stopped Valiant, but just then Genevieve made a soft moan. He looked down and his heart was in anguish as he realized that he had to chose. And the choice was already made for him.

Zativa, with all her might, captured Archer, Genevieve, and even Valiant in a orange orb and pushed it mentally as hard as she could towards he castle, sending it rocketing at great speed.

And then her eyelids shut and she knew no more.

Archer held Genevieve as the orb slowed as to a stop in front of the castle gates. Then it disappeared and they were set on the ground. The guards called from above,

“Who goes there?”

Archer called up, his voice booming, “My name is Archer! Please, you must let me in! It is urgent!”

The guard from the top mocked him, “Oh, Archer is it? Are you some sort of royalty? Are we to just open the gates as you please?”

Archer gritted his teeth. “Please! I have the one with the Sight!”

One of the guards laughed. “Oh really? The one with the Sight? That’s a treat, ain’t it boys?”

Archer bellowed. “OPEN THESE DAMNED GATES!”

Just then fire exploded in the forest behind them. The fire blazed an odd crimson and three figures came out riding on their black steeds, rocketing towards them at an unbelievable speed.

One of the guards gasped in horror. “By the Light, demons!”

Another yelled. “Open the gates! Quickly!”

Soon enough Archer heard the gears turn with protest as the gates began to open outward. When it was wide enough he kicked Valiant gently and he ran inside. He jumped down from Valiant and took Genevieve in his arms, “Help! We need a healer! She’s hurt!”

Many people started crowding around to see what the commotion was about, but one person managed to push past the crowd. It was an old man in a simple blue tunic. He ran towards Archer.

“Goodness me, what has happened? Where is Zativa?”

Archer sighed and gave him a helpless look. “I don’t know; we were attacked. You need to help this girl, Jais!”

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