Chapter One

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Hello you stranger! This is prince Merlin AU but there is MERTHUR things. So if you don't like that, don't read.

I have warned you.


A forest was all quiet except some bird's singing from a distant. The sun was already setting down, making the sky turn different shades of red while beams of light were sieved through the forest. He could have stayed there forever. Just admiring the beauty of nature. There was something magical in a sunset. At that moment you realised how insignificant your little problems are in this world. And still, you could worry about them for weeks or months or even years.

Prince Merlin Emrious of Airasan was sitting on the ground and leaning to a fallen tree while watching the sunset. He had escaped from the castle to see the sunset in peace. It had been too easy to make a little spell to distract the guards so he could slip through the gates. Merlin had done it before and he knew his father, the king Balinor didn't like it at all. Still, he did it almost every evening. The day before he had been grounded and that meant he couldn't even leave the castle with his best friends who were just managed to become knights. Actually, he was still grounded and he shouldn't be there. Too bad that the peaceful forest had tempted so much the 13 years old prince. Probably his father had sent someone to look for him. They would soon find him and he could suffer the consequences. At least he had seen the sunset in this beautiful forest.

Now the sound of someone's steps broke the silence. Merlin didn't turn to see who was it but he heard how the comer came from behind him and stopped before coming to sit beside him. Now Merlin saw who it was.

Sir Lancelot smiled a little and asked: "You know your father is mad?"

Merlin rolled his eyes before answering: "Yeah." For a minute either of them didn't say anything. Merlin was wondering, what Lance might be thinking about him.

"Are you alright?" Lance asked.

"Yeah," the black-haired boy answered quickly.

"No, I mean for real. Are you alright?" Lance asked. "It looks like you are going some stuff in your mind."

Merlin said nothing.

"If you want, you can talk to me, you know right," Lance continued.

"It's just...I don't know but I have this feeling that something really bad is going to happen. And maybe I'm overreacting but still, I can't get it out of my mind," Merlin explained at the same time staring at the sunset. He sensed that Lance was looking at him but he didn't want to meet his gaze so he wouldn't realise how scared Merlin was.

"If something is going to happen, you need to remember that I and the others are going to be on your side. No matter what," Lance said with a comforting tone.

"I know. And I'm grateful for that," the warlock said, now looking at his friend's eyes.

Lancelot stood up and held his hand ready to help the prince get up: "Come. They are probably already worried about you," he said while Merlin took his hand and got up.

They started to walk towards the castle and it didn't take long until they saw the other knights, who were waiting for them in front of the gates. There were Sirs Will, Ethan, Harry and Noah. All of them were the prince's best friends. They had known each other for almost their entire life. Seeing them put a tiny smirk on Merlin's face.

"You found him," Will shouted to Lance when they were in earshot. He sounded relieved which made Merlin feel a little bit guilty.

"Were you on the woods, sire?" Noah asked with a little bow. The prince glared at him because of the title but still answered: "Yes, as always."

"You could get lost in the woods, sire," Harry said with a smirk on his face. Everyone laughed and Merlin realised that Lance had been right. He could survive through anything with his friends.

"Please stop the formalities. You know I don't like them. We're all equals here. And I could never get lost in the woods," he said emphasising the word 'never'.

Everyone kept laughing for it until Sir Will folded himself and said directly to the prince: "The king ordered us to escort you to his presence." Merlin noticed he looked like he wasn't happy about the fact, how they needed to treat him. Everyone was now looking at Merlin with a little bit sad and awkward expression on their faces. The prince new, they didn't want to force him to anything.

"I know, just let's go," he said trying to make it sound normal. They began to walk towards the throne room. Merlin was leading although, he should be the one who was being escorted. He was thinking, what kind of consequences were waiting for him. There was no doubt that his father was going to be very angry. He had thought before that maybe there was some serious reason, why he shouldn't be alone in the woods. Because sometimes Merlin had noticed that the king wasn't telling everything to him. And his brothers didn't have so strict rules. His younger brother was 7 years old and his older brother was 21 years old. Merlin get better along withs his younger sibling because sometimes his older brother was pejorative towards the citizens and the servants and Merlin didn't liked that all.

Now they were in front of the throne room but before they got the chance to go in, the warning bells rang.


I hope you enjoyed reading this!


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