Chapter Seventeen

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James hurried towards him with others right behind him. Arthur realised he had heard the name 'Andrew' when the prince had told him about Merlin's trip. He was supposed to be with Merlin so why Arthur's manservant wasn't grinning stupidly anywhere.

"What happened? Where's Merlin?" James asked. It was a little odd that the first thing he asked was to know where Merlin was. Not that Arthur minded.

"I need to speak to you and your knights, my lord," Andrew nervously said to James and after glancing at Arthur's direction, he added: "And also the people from Camelot will want to hear this."

The prince didn't hesitate, before motioning for them to follow him. Andrew looked like he was going to faint so the knights of Airasan help their friend to walk. James led them to a big tent. Its purpose was probably to be a place for discussion and planning because in the center of it was a large table which was surrounded by a dozen chairs.

On the table were some old drawings of people and a beautiful castle. Before Arthur had time to look closer to them, two knights collected all the papers away. But he had seen a glimpse of a young boy who looked a lot like Merlin. Obviously, it wasn't him because why would another kingdom have a drawing of his manservant.

Beside him Gwaine was looking at them too: "Hey, that looks just like–"

"Let's take a seat," James interrupted.

James sat down at the end of the table and others followed him taking their own seats. Arthur was sitting next to James and Andrew was directly opposite of him also next to James. Leon was on Arthur's right side.

"Do you need medical help?" James asked Andrew but he shocked his head."Alright, could you tell us what happened?"

Everyone's attention shifted to Andrew. He took a deep breath and began talking while maintaining his eyes towards the table.

"Sire, we succeeded to get in the castle. There were no problems until we found the cell where they kept my son. Some guards came and... there was a fight," he lifted his head and looked at everyone.

"We were disadvantaged. Merlin ordered me to run to save myself." Arthur's eyes widened a little. Why was Merlin giving the orders? He looked at his knights who already had their eyes on Arthur with a questioning look. Maybe they were thinking the same.

"I didn't want to leave him so I continued to fight but there were too many guards. They took me away from Merlin. I managed to escape from them but I don't know what happened to him," he buried his head in his hands.

Shivers run through Arthur. Merlin was somewhere in trouble? Was he even alive? No, he couldn't be thinking about that.

He noticed how beside him Leon clenched his fist. His other friends also didn't look calm. Gwaine was even glaring at Andrew like he wasn't satisfied with the story.

"We have to go there," Arthur said trying to remain calm which he completely failed. His voice was shaking.

"Yes, but we can't just go there. We need a plan," one of the Airasan knights added. Arthur believed he's name was Lancelot.

"But Merlin could be dying right now. We don't have time for plans," Gwaine commented. Arthur agreed with him although it was extremely difficult to just go there without any plan.

"He can take care of himself, he has–" knight who's name was Harry stop mid-sentence. He was looking at the prince and Arthur noticed how James had a death glare towards Harry.

"What he has?" Gwaine raised his eyebrow. Arthur's suspicions came back. All the Airasans were acting strangely.

"He has a... sword," Harry continued uncertainty.

"Well, that's great. Now we have nothing to worry about," Arthur sarcastically said. He and his knights knew Merlin couldn't even lift a sword.

Maybe the others though, a sword could actually help him because they switched the topic.

"Should we go through the gates or the same place Merlin and Andrew went?" Lancelot asked.


After they had a clear plan, everyone left to find all the things they needed. Arthur walked to James who was still speaking with Lancelot.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," James said.

"I was wondering why you are so eager to help us save my manservant? I'm grateful but it's just weird."

James clanged at Lancelot. "Because you were willing to help us so we need to return the favor," he answered.

"Right. Thank you for that," Arthur  said but he wasn't sure the prince was telling the whole truth.

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