Chapter Eighteen

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Happy easter!🐥

And here is a double update for you!! Please vote, comment and follow if you like my story :D

"I hate this."

"Gwaine be quiet!" Arthur hissed through his teeth. He wasn't a fan of this plan either but now it was too late to complain.

"I mean none of those beautiful ladies are going to notice me," he murmured looking at a group of five women walking past them. "Actually, no one is going to even look at me."

"That's the point," Arthur pointed out quietly. "Now shut your mouth!"

He fixed his dress hem and made sure his own clothes weren't visible. This had to work.

Airasan's gate rose in front of them. They had decided to go through it rather than the same door Andrew and Merlin had used. There was a possibility that more guards could be waiting on the door if Keane had found out where they had got in.

The beginning of their master plan was entirely depending on Arthur's and Gwaine's performance. The others had asked who wanted to knock out the guards on the gate but when he and Gwaine had volunteered, they didn't know what they agreed to.

While hoping they would never have to do the same thing again, they had been dressed as old women. Both were wearing long, brown and ancient dresses. Their faces were covered up by more clothes so they looked like beggars. And Gwaine was even using a walking stick.

They walked slowly pretending to be decrepit. "Only two guards," Gwaine said quietly. Their task was to knock them out before they had time to ring the warning bells and let everyone know about their rescue mission. Disguises were necessary because they had to get close to them and without a doubt the king Keane had been informed them about possible intrusion attempts.

"They are searching for us," Arthur said.

They watched as before them the guards were checking a farmer's cart.

"You take the left one," Arthur whispered. Now they were only a few feet away.

"What's your business to Airasan," accosted the one closer to Arthur. When the guard was right in front of Arthur, he swung his fist into his face. The guard hadn't been expecting it from an old lady so it took only one punched from him to lose conscious. Gwaine did the same thing to the other one.

The guards fell unconscious to the ground but at the same time, a woman shrieked so loudly that some other guards inside the citadel must have heard it. It wasn't the same as warning bells but undoubtedly someone was coming to check if everything was alright and they would see Arthur and Gwaine immediately.

"That's not good," Gwaine commented taking the clothes from his face.

James and others were already running towards them.

"We need to hurry!" Arthur shouted. He ripped his dress of revealing his own clothes and started running through the gates, others right behind him.

They ran between small houses. Some citizens were staring at them but luckily no more guards were in sight.

Arthur led them into a small alley so they could catch a breath.

"Great job," Lancelot commented referring to their disguise task, making everyone laugh a little. Arthur was sure, he and Gwaine were going to hear a lot of jokes about it in the future.

"Let's just keep going," Arthur growled. They left towards the castle.

The problem was that they didn't know where Merlin was currently being held. The best guess was that he was in a cell so that was where they were heading.

The knights of Airasan were in the front of the group. They knew the way. Arthur was beside Andrew.

"How're you doing?" The golden-haired king asked.

"I'm fine," he answered rather harshly.

"I was just wondering if you are worried about your child," Arthur said. He thought he get along with others but Andrew was the only one he didn't have had a conversation with. But surely they could find something in common. So, why was Andrew being so rude? He was just trying to be friendly.

"My daughter is a tough girl, she'll be fine."


Earlier it had been a boy. No one forgets the gender of their child.

Arthur stopped completely. They were in the middle of Airasan's busy market place. It was crowded with citizens.

"What?!" He raised his voice. There was only one explanation.

Andrew had lied. And if he lied about one thing he probably had lied about other things too.

Andrew had stopped with Arthur and was now staring at him, failing to see his own mistake. Gwaine, Leon, Percival, and Elyan had also stopped. They hadn't heard Andrew's words and now were also looking at Arthur for an explanation. But the knights of Airasan and James hadn't noticed that they weren't following. They disappeared into the crowd before anyone had time to stop them.

"You lying asshole! Was none of your stories true?!" His blood was boiling. And what about Merlin. Did he know something about Merlin's whereabouts? Or had he done something?

"Arthur, what are you talking about?" Percival asked. He like others than Andrew had no clue, why Arthur was yelling.

Andrew's eyes widened. He kept glancing between Arthur and the knights.

"He has lied about-"

He was interrupted by yelling. While turning towards the voices, he saw over ten knights shouting and running in their direction. He didn't have to encourage others before all of them were escaping.

Arthur jumped over fish stalt and ran faster than lightning. Only Elyan was right behind him when they sprinted on a small alley and ended up right into Airasan's knights' trap. They had been waiting on the other side of the alley, standing in a row, making sure there were no chances to escape.

Everyone had their swords pointed at them. Surrendering, they lifted their hands in the air.

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