Chapter Twenty-Three

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Beams of sunlight blinded Merlin after he tried to open his eyes. He was laying on something soft and comforting.

"Hey," a muffled voice said. It was probably Gaius trying to wake Merlin, who was late for work. Hopefully, the prat hadn't woken up yet so he wouldn't be riled.

But, unfortunately, all the events of the last few days crashed in his consciousness. The moment of pure bliss disappeared and was replaced with reality. Why couldn't he just sleep night and day?

Blinking his eyes, he came aware of a friendly and familiar face watching him.

"Edgar?" Merlin said with astonishment in his voice. He rose into a sitting position on the bed while the old physician smiled at him.

Looking around, he realised, he was in the physician's room. He was laying on the bed were patients usually slept. It wasn't the first time Merlin had woken up in this infirmary. Most of the time, in his childhood he and his friends had gone to missions and taken unnecessary risks resulting in injuries. Their physician Edgar had been the one to tend them.

This time Merlin had bandages wrapped around his right shoulder but it didn't feel as terrible as it seemed and the bruises, he knew he had all over his body felt more like itching. Probably, Edgar had given him herbs to help the pain.

"It's been a long time since the last time we saw each other. But you haven't changed a bit. And I see, you're still trying to save everyone, even though you might get hurt," he said with a sad smile.

"Yeah, that's Merlin," Gwaine commented. He and the other knights of Camelot had gathered around the bed where Merlin was laying at.

"I thought you would hate me," Merlin said. He had assumed, their friendship had been buried after they found out about Merlin's secrets. But still, they had been here, waiting for Merlin to wake up.

"No, of course not," Leon assured.

"You have always been the kindest person we know," Gwaine said smiling.

"Yes, and you always have our backs," Percival added.

Merlin smiled. Hearing them say the things he had always wished to hear, was the best feeling in the world. He hadn't lost his friends after all the lies and secrets.

"But this whole, lost prince thing was unexpected," Elyan said slowly like he still wasn't sure it was the truth.

"Yeah, I should have warned you," Merlin said still smiling and everyone laughed a little.

"And, does this mean that you can use a sword? The knights of Airasan told that their prince is the best swordsman in the five kingdoms and he taught them, so it was you, wasn't it?" Gwaine said with raised eyebrows. Of course, Gwaine had to ask this question right after Merlin has wakened up. But it was understandable because it was Gwaine and it would be difficult for all of them to see Merlin fighting with swords. He had always acted perfectly in his role as a clumsy servant.

"Yes, it was me," Merlin confirmed making the knights wore surprised expressions. "But they were exaggerating because I'm not the best. Actually, where are the others?"

"They needed to make sure that every knight loyal to Keane, is imprisoned. And James is leading them," Leon explained. "But are you going to lead them?"

Before Merlin had time to answer Elyan stated confidentially: "I think you are destined to rule Airasan because of how much you have done for this kingdom."

Destiny. Was Merlin's destiny to keep protecting Arthur or sit on Airasan's throne? Was he supposed to choose? Airasan needed him. James wasn't ready to be a king. He was too young. It wouldn't be fair to give all responsibility on his shoulders. But if he stayed in Airasan, Arthur would be exposed. The prat wouldn't survive a day without Merlin.

"Where's Arthur?" Merlin asked.

Was the king still angry with Merlin? Or maybe, he was just helping James and he hadn't had time to come see Merlin.

The knights looked at each other. Which meant that Arthur was not helping James as Merlin had hoped for. And the reason for that was most likely Arthur's anger towards Merlin.

"I need to go talk to him," Merlin said but his words were filled with pain as he tried to get up. Apparently, his body was still weak from the torture and he had used too much of his magic.

"No, you need to rest so you're not allowed to leave and that's physician's orders," Edgar said and gently pushed Merlin back on the bed.

"But there's so much to do," Merlin tried to reason but the physician only shook his head.

"We'll leave you alone to rest," Percival said and rose from his seat. The other knights and the physician followed his lead and left the room.

After they were gone, Merlin realised how exhausted he felt. It would have been wonderful to lay down and rest but he couldn't wait any longer before talking to Arthur.

Slowly rising from the bed, keeping movements as painless as possible, he began his way towards the door.

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