Our first encounter

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It was already midnight when Hopper, Joyce and I drove to one of the houses from the properties . Then we saw a dark and chilling house. "Someone's home" Hopper quoted while he was parking the car in front of the house.

As we entered the house with torchlights, "Jesus, I wonder if Freddy Krueger lives here" I quietly groaned as the rooms were pitch dark

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As we entered the house with torchlights, "Jesus, I wonder if Freddy Krueger lives here" I quietly groaned as the rooms were pitch dark. "Hey you hear that?", Joyce and I nodded hearing a machine running noises coming out of no where.

Joyce got down near the floor to listen and whispered "It's below us". Hopper and I lifted up the bed to reveal a stairway which would led us to GOD-knows-where. Then, he gestured us to follow him as he went down first.

As soon as we reached downstairs , we started hearing voices . But also this time the voices are not in English , but in Russian?? Oh boy, here we go again.

When The two men saw our flashlights , they look at us with full of shock. "Hey Dipshits Hawkins PD hands in the air!" Hopper yelled by aiming the gun at them. "Don't make me say it again!!" He demanded .

But then a man with glasses started talking in Russian which of course we did not understand

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But then a man with glasses started talking in Russian which of course we did not understand. "English!" Hopper commanded but he kept on talking in Russian to us .

Joyce shushed everyone when she heard the gigantic footsteps from the upstairs. "Holy shit, someone's here" I convinced with my shaky voice.

We quickly handcuffed the Russian man but without saying anything , then Hopper handcuffed the man with glasses's wrist with my wrist . I hissed "Are you out of your mind?!" .

"Kimmy ,listen , if something happens, just bring this Smirnoff and go okay? He's our evidence" he explained to me as if he was gonna risk his life for us. No way, he can't do that. But I couldn't help but to obey his orders again.

I glared at the man with glasses whom I'm handcuffed with, he seemed to be scared as well.To comfort him, I sat beside him on the floor and hold his hand which was cuffed together with mine. He looked at me as I smiled at him and gestured him an okay sign with my other hand. In return, he smiled back at me and squeezed my hand. Jesus, why does his smile have to be this bright ....

A man slowly descended down the stair, trying to look for us .Then I heard Hopper saying "Drop your weapon" to that man by aiming him from behind with a gun. But I couldn't quite catch what they were sayin .

Fuck, I heard the gun shot from them and Hopper's groaning voice. I peeked at them and saw that they were fighting like there's no tomorrow. I ducked again while they accidentally started shooting the machine gun all over the room.

I could go and help Hopper but I couldn't as my hand was cuffed together with a person's.

Suddenly the gun has stopped firing and I heard Hopper shouted " GUYS RUN!!!!"

Shitttt we gotta run as fast as we can.
Without letting go of the Russian man's hand, I held it even more firmly and hurried towards the stair.

"Go go go go go!!!!!!" Hopper warned as he followed us together with Joyce.

We ran out the house and hopper threw his car key to Joyce as we all rushed into the car. Me and the Russian man at the behind , Hopper and Joyce at the front.

Hopper started to panick and growled "Joyce!! Driveeee!! Come on stop screwing around !!!" Everyone was in terror as we were just one step away of being killed.

The car engine started and Joyce started to drive but Shitttt that psychotic man came out of the house and started shooting his machine gun at our car.

The car engine started and Joyce started to drive but Shitttt that psychotic man came out of the house and started shooting his machine gun at our car

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The bullets went straight into the car by shattering the back window .

The Russian man pushed me down from my back to bend together with him in order not to be shot. Although our cuffed hands were holding firmly, he still managed to hover his free hand on my hand, which was cuffed, and rub it gently to lessen my terror. I felt that he was as worried as I was but he was trying to keep a straight face as he didn't want me to feel more uncomfortable.

And the thing is that , I kinda kidnapped him so he should be mean to me right? But absolutely not , he was so decent and sweet.

We successfully escaped as Joyce drove away from the Psycho.

"shit , that was close" I sighed exhaling out all the stress.

"You and Smirnoff okay back there ? Did u get hurt ?" Hopper asked.

"No no, umm.. we both are ok." I glimpsed at the Russian man who just gave me a smile again. But this time,his smile was excluded with any worry, it was full of comfort . To be honest , he literally has the brightest smile I've ever seen in my entire life. It was so beautiful and innocent. I smiled back at him gesturing an ok sign , wanting him to know that he'll be alright.
Yess, finally they met!!

And also shout out to my friend, gris_oscuro  who helped me a lot whenever I have trouble writing ! I owe her a lot❤️

Thanks for reading ! Let's look forward to the next chapter

I'll be fine • Alexei Where stories live. Discover now