No cherry, no deal

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Alexei was happily watching Loony tunes on TV while Murray and i were sitting on the kitchen stool , waiting for Hopper and talking about the previous missing case of Barb.

"So, you knew who I am because you researched the disappearance of Barb?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about it but yeah, I had to make sure I knew every connection she had. Including You, Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler." He answered drinking his vodka.

"It's alright. I understand. To be honest, I was one of the terrible bitches of school before I met her. After we became friends,she changed me to be a well mannered person like I am now . When she'd gone missing, I tried to find out what happened to her by myself as well.  But all I could do was to find out the another world's existence...I...I couldn't save her".

My voice started to crack at the end of the sentence though that accident happened two years ago.

"Hey kid, you did your best okay? it was no one's fault" Murray put his vodka glass down and patted my shoulder.

Then, we heard the bell buzzed which made us go and check the camera to see hopper who's back after running some errands.

"Two whoppers, extra ketchups and one extra large ... Slurpee" Hopper remarked while putting them on the coffee table .

I sat beside Murray and admiring how Alexei's excitedly unwrapping the burger. Of course , food can make this baby happier,  I thought, smiling to myself.

"Let's try this again, Joyce " Hopper commented.

"Alexei.. the generators, what are they powering?" Joyce asked calmly.

Murray translated it to Alexei but instead of replying, he spat out his Slurpee and hissed something to Murray.

"He says it's strawberry"Murray told Hopper.

"Sorry?" Hop replied.

"His .. slurpee, it's strawberry" Murray answered.

I convinced " Chief , he asked for Cherry".

"So what? It's the goddamn same ! It's sugar in ice ! You tell him that!!!" Hopper annoyingly yelled . Murray sighed as he told Alexei what Hopper was saying.

"He says no cherry no deal" Murray translated back to us.

"Alright" Hopper sighed , stood up and suddenly , pulled Alexei harshly towards the table by his collar.

"No!!!! Chief, stop!!!!" I shouted.

"Oh come on!!!" Murray yelled at Hopper.

"I'm not gonna hurt him!!!" he replied as he dragged Alexei outside the house.

I followed them outside and saw that Hopper pushed him onto the ground , throwing the keys at him

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I followed them outside and saw that Hopper pushed him onto the ground , throwing the keys at him.

I tried to run at Alexei to help him out but Hopper grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house . "Heyy!!" I furiously yelled at Hopper.

"Get back inside , Kim!!" he said as he closed the door and blocked it with him.

"He's gonna come back because as you see we're the best chance he has got" Hopper informed us

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"He's gonna come back because as you see we're the best chance he has got" Hopper informed us.

But We couldn't wait anymore as we heard Alexei starting the car outside . So Joyce and I pushed Hopper together to open the door and get Alexei.

When we all got outside, we saw that Alexei stopped the car and walked back to us.

He muttered something while giving the car key back to Hopper. Then, He stopped in front of me, took my hand in his and led me back into the house with him. I followed him while looking back at Hopper to see that he was smirking proudly as his prediction was right.

I heard Hopper asking "I'm sorry what did he say?"

Murray translated "he says he likes strawberry too"

in a living room , Alexei sat on the couch, smoking a cigarette and revealed what they're up to and how they are opening the gate to the upside down

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in a living room , Alexei sat on the couch, smoking a cigarette and revealed what they're up to and how they are opening the gate to the upside down.

"Is it opened now?"Joyce asked Alexei.

Murray translated back "Yes, he says it's..... opening"

I became so blank that I did not believe what I just heard. The demogorgans are gonna be back again?

Joyce tried to call her kids and Hopper went into the kitchen.

I looked up at Alexei and saw that his eyes became teary.

"Hey..." I said and sat beside him. But he didn't look at me. My heart dropped because I knew that he's feeling sad as he revealed their secrets and betrayed his country.

But then he spoke something to Murray who was sitting on the arm chair.

"He says that now he can't go back to his home and he feels sorry to you for making you afraid " Murray translated.

"What no... Alexei" I called his name as he looked at me . I pulled him into a hug and gently rubbed his back.

While hugging him I convinced "No, it's not your fault. You were on the wrong side of the battle. But now, you're with us. You have me , Murray , Joyce and Hopper on your side. You're going to save the world by doing the right thing, Alexei"

Murray translated back to him as Alexei replied and hugged me back.

"He says that he trusts you"

I smiled "I do trust you too".
Stay tuned for climaxes next chapters

Thank you for reading 💕

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